A Film Lover’s Guide to Traveling the World

A Film Lover's Guide to Traveling the World

Are you feeling restless and eager to travel after a long period of pandemic-induced lockdowns and restrictions? Fortunately, with vaccines rolling out and borders reopening, international travel is once again becoming a possibility. But with so many amazing destinations, do you find it difficult deciding where to go? Luckily, you can draw inspiration from the media you’ve been consuming during this time – from the breathtaking scenery in your favorite movies to the exotic locales featured in your go-to TV shows and streaming platforms.

‘The City of Lights’ Paris, France

Needless to say, Paris has been a favorite destination for film lovers. Its romantic charm and iconic landmarks attracted many filmmakers. Paris has one of the best backdrops, from Montmartre hill to Eiffel Tower. If there’s your favorite piece among ‘Midnight in Paris’, ‘Amelie’, ‘Emily in Paris’ and ‘Moulin Rouge’, you should definitely consider a trip to Paris.

While you’re in Paris, be sure to take advantage of eSIM Europe‘s service to stay connected with loved ones back home and share your travel experiences.

‘Iconic background for all genres’ New York City, USA

From Brooklyn’s rough streets to Manhattan’s splendid city life, New York has been a beloved place for all genres of movies. You can feel the vibe of classic Hollywood musicals and contemporary drama at the same time in New York. As there are so many iconic film locations to explore in the city, it’s hard to name them all. Among all, you should definitely watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ if you are traveling to New York City.

ESIM USA can help you stay connected throughout your time in New York City. Pin the film background locations, and visit the places using Google Maps. If you have time during transportation, watch some of the films set in the city to enhance your experience.

Wrapping up

If you are truly a film lover, visit these two must-go destinations that will transport you to the worlds you’ve been dreaming about. Whether you’re a fan of action movies, romantic comedies, or period dramas, there’s a destination out there that will transport you to the worlds you love on screen. Pack your bags, grab a earphone and camera, and get ready for your trip to most iconic film locations around the world.