A late period: things that might happen to your body

A late period: things that might happen to your body

Menstruation or monthly period is the most familiar phenomenon of a female body going through the reproductive age. At a particular time of each month, our uterus sheds off the ovary’s unfertilized egg and all other residual chemical and biological waste materials. Usually, every healthy female has a menstrual cycle of twenty days, and it lasts for three to seven days. The time may come forward or halt for two to five days due to normal physiological conditions. But, if it exceeds more than a week or goes over a month, there is a reason to worry. What do you think first when you miss a period date? Most appropriately, a married female will think about pregnancy. Pregnancy causes a physiological halt of the menstrual cycle for nine months. But, other than that, there several more reasons for a تأخر الدورة الشهرية. Here in this article, we will focus on some critical health conditions that may cause delayed menstruation in females. These conditions require immediate physician’s attention.

Causes of delayed menstruation


We already mentioned earlier that if your cycle is one or two days different from the last process, it is not a menstruation delay. But, some legit health conditions push the menstruation future later. For example, suspected pregnancy is one of the most common causes. If you are a married or sexually active female and miss more than seven days after the expected menstruation date, there is a good chance of pregnancy. You may complete the strip test to detect pregnancy at home. But, these procedures do not give accurate results all the time. So, taking a physician’s advice will be the best option. Because taking any step without the right precaution can harm your health.


Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is one of the most common gynecological problems nowadays in the world. There are multiple cysts of bulge formation on the wall of the uterus, both inside and outside. Cysts or these bulges remain harmless initially, but they suck out blood from the surroundings to ensure the nutrients. That is why the patient’s body does not get enough blood supply or fails to excrete the unfertilized egg. Delayed menstruation and anemia is an overall presentation of a patient with PCOS.


Obesity is the main culprit for most of the diseases in the human body. Extra fat accumulation alters the enzymatic and hormonal activities in the body that may cause delayed menstruation or complete amenorrhea at some time. Low body weight (LBW) is another major cause of delayed menstruation, similar to obesity. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, are pervasive in people, especially teenagers and models. But, trying to be thinner than ever may cost you more than the external beauty.


Stress and tension throw your hormones into a frenzy. Excessive cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, causes alterations in estrogen and progesterone secretion. Rhythmical alteration in the concentration of these two hormones is essential to keep up the normal menstruation cycle. The same thing goes with alcohol consumption and smoking too. These narcotic objects cause delayed and painful menstruation very often. Hormonal imbalances like thyroid storm, thyrotoxicosis, and low thyroid hormone are also responsible for delayed menstruation.


Delayed menstruation brings a lot of tension with it. It can be due to regular physiological alternation or merely a change in food habits. But, there can be deadly underlying diseases behind it. You can’t be sure without proper examination and tests. So, consult your doctor if you are facing delayed menstruation frequently.