Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Tutors?

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Tutors?

As we usher into the new digital age, a question that is often asked, is the role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in different parts of our life. One particular area is teaching (tutoring), and a lot of people wonder if AI can replace formal education/tutors or not.

The question is not a straightforward one, though… Some parts of the education will definitely be taken over by the AI due to its efficiency, easy access, and low cost. But there are some parts of education that require a human element and thus cannot be replaced by algorithms or machines relying on AI, such as Functional Skills Maths Level 2. To put it short, AI will take a leading role in some parts of education but not the entire educating sector.

In a sense, we can say that artificial intelligence will become a tool for teachers/tutors to focus more on the student’s education. As we talked about the AI taking over some parts of the education sector, one particular part which can benefit a lot from AI is administration. With the AI taking over administrative burdens from the teachers, they will be better able to focus on students’ education and development.

Digital Classrooms

Right now, we are in the middle of a digital revolution, and classrooms are also moving towards the digital realm. If we look around, we can easily find a lot of software solutions that allow the tutors to manage a lot of students and to impart education remotely.

Furthermore, digital lessons make it easy for the students to get easy and cost-effective access to education. In fact, a lot of schools have already started using AI to find the strengths and weaknesses of their students. Using this information, the schools can create custom-made curricula for the student’s needs.

In that sense, we can say that the use of AI is immensely helping the students and even the teachers…

But there are some drawbacks to the use of AI and digital learning. For example, some studies have revealed that students are less engaged with AI instructors and digital learning as compared to real-world instructors (tutors). When the performance in both cases is measured out, the results tilt towards the real world instructors (humans).

Since we are talking about AI and its role in the future, it can also be an opportunity for the students to start learning about AI and programming. And a great place to start the journey towards that digital future is by admitting to a course such as A Level Computer Science. In fact, AI is also taught in the A Level Computer Science, which can serve as a great foundation for entering that new field.

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Tutors? – Verdict

Can artificial intelligence replace tutors? The answer is yes… But will it be able to deliver the same result and success? The answer is no! We think the online education and tutoring sector will start to rely on AI more as a tool rather than an all-in-one solution.

Let’s be honest here for a moment… We all know that machines are not at the point where they can exhibit emotions, creativity, or even adapt to changing situations. On top of that, humans are able to come up with unique ideas while AI relies on the data set to draw its facts.

To put it short, AI will play a major role in the following areas:

But human tutors will remain a central piece in the education, and no AI or machine will be able to match up with the amount of care and genuine insight a human can offer to the students.