DFINITY’s Internet Computer: The Blockchain Platform That Promises to Decentralize Web3

DFINITY’s Internet Computer: The Blockchain Platform That Promises to Decentralize Web3

Centralization. It’s not a topic the typical internet user thinks of when they check their emails in the morning, load their computers upon sitting at their workstation, post their thoughts on social media, or repost viral content. Yet it’s all there. Behind these platforms that so many users rely on in their daily lives are a handful of big tech companies that are quietly controlling the narrative — what can and  can’t be posted, what should and shouldn’t be shown.

Further adding to this are countries where these companies may or may not be operating from. Threatened by potential negative influences from outsiders (or insiders), certain state governments restrict various forms of content from entering its borders (or being created within it), thereby suppressing voices, thoughts, ideas, and other potentially relevant and informative content.

Those who may not realize this can do little, unaware of the problem. Those who are aware of the current state of the web may not fare much better, as no viable solution seems to be able to solve this predicament.

After all, it’s natural for individuals to convene centrally. Without these online places to gather — social media platforms, content distribution channels, and other— digital places to discuss, trade ideas, and share would not exist effectively. The benefits of such large gatherings also lead to some of its biggest flaws — in this case, empowering the underlying companies and entities who provide those services to control what can and can’t be done, controlling the narrative as they please.

Our research shows these days may soon be coming to an end.

Blockchain technologies and the decentralization capabilities that they offer will soon provide the means for the same types of interactions to happen in the digital world but in a decentralized manner. Made possible through the underlying design of its infrastructure and network, the foundation has already been laid for a world where centralized platforms will be the only places where large gatherings can convene.

Defining Decentralization — DFINITY’s Internet Computer Provides the Means To Realize a Decentralized Web

Today’s internet is in the hands of the few. Research shows big tech companies collectively manage the backbone of over 50% of the internet, effectively empowering them to dictate what can and can’t occur on the various applications that run on top of their infrastructure. Decentralization of the internet means ownership of the internet shifts from the hands of the few to the hands of many. It’s a digital space where no single actor (or small group of actors) has monopoly control over what can and can’t occur in the digital realm.

To make this decentralized web a reality, the underlying infrastructure needs to be set up so this is feasible, instead of using today’s business models, where servers and supporting equipment are managed in the hands of the few.

DFINITY’s Internet Computer (IC) offers a solution that’s considered this from the start. With its mainnet having only launched within the past 12 months, research reveals DFINITY already has hundreds of independently run, sovereign nodes, operating around the world. These nodes, which don’t rely on the services of the few, can ensure that DFINITY’s solution can run in such a manner where no single actor or group of actors could single-handedly control what occurs on the decentralized network.

More than this, research shows DFINITY has understood from the start that the success of a decentralized network relies on more than just disbursed nodes. Users need to be attracted to the platform and need to understand the value of using DFINITY’s Internet Computer can one day exceed the value they get from utilizing centralized services.

By understanding this, our research has uncovered a multitude of decentralized applications that have already begun building and operating on the DFINITY platform. With over 70 applications in its ecosystem already, the current lineup of what users can do on the platform covers key categories that are sure to entice new users — social media, games, decentralized finance (DeFi), the metaverse, and more.

A Deeper Dive — Research Into the Applications That Can Take DFINITY’s Internet Computer to a Decentralized Web

The DFINITY ecosystem is growing, and for good reason. Research shows a growing number of users around the world are beginning to value the benefits of decentralization. And while these same users are also beginning to truly value their privacy — much of which has been lost to centralization over the years — they aren’t ready to give up the applications they’ve come to enjoy during the past two decades.

DFINITY’s Internet Computer ecosystem looks to address both of these topics head-on.


From a social perspective, DFINITY has provided solutions in the form of OpenChat, DSCVR, Distrikt, and more. Research into OpenChat revealed that the decentralized messaging platform currently boasts over 50,000 users. This platform, a decentralized alternative to the centralized messaging applications most individuals have come to rely upon daily , looks primed to continue its growth as individuals continue to search for solutions to communicate without centralized intermediaries getting in the way.

DSCVR is an online forum-like discussion website, which is most similar to the popular Web2 platform Reddit. Research reveals it already has over 40,000 users, and this Web3 alternative is providing another platform for users to consider when evaluating whether or not they want to continue playing under the rules of Web2, or if becoming a part of the growing decentralized community is the way to consider going forward.

From a professional perspective, Distrikt offers a decentralized social networking experience for professionals. With the most users onboarded thus far (currently at 70,000 users), Web3’s alternative for a decentralized professional networking experience looks promising.


Unsurprisingly, our research confirms that entertainment will continue to play a critical use case for individuals who are logging onto the internet. Everyone is familiar with today’s Web2 options, dominated by a handful of streaming content companies that ultimately control what can and  can’t be seen, as well as what original content creators will and will not be paid for.

Research reveals DFINITY’s Internet Computer applications have revolutionized this model. With DFINITY continuing to push forward the importance of decentralization, its entertainment options are following suit. In particular, DSocial is DFINITY IC’s answer to streaming video content found in the Web2 world. Not controlled by a centralized authority, DSocial’s creators can be fairly compensated for the content they imagine, create, produce, and distribute. Unlike today’s platforms, where creators often earn only fractions of a penny per stream, DSocial’s creators stand to earn significantly more, leveraging an updated incentive model made possible only through removing a centralized intermediary party.

Our research has shown that hundreds of thousands of hours worth of content are streamed each minute on video streaming platforms today. With so much time spent on these types of online experiences, it appears natural creators would soon gravitate toward platforms that are structured to reward them the most for the materials they create. As a growing number of talent moves toward entertainment dApps like DSocial, a natural shift of audiences will also begin migrating to this Web3 solution.


And who can forget about games? Research has proven time and again that games are a natural on-ramp for users to adopt new technologies and cutting-edge offerings. Within DFINITY’s ecosystem, users can find the popular category of shooting games, leading with Mission Is Possible, a PvP offering inspired by the movie John Wick. Other classic offerings include Texas Hold’em and Reversi.

As games continue to drive blockchain adoption across all networks, research shows DFINITY is well placed to capture a significant share of new entrants into the space off the backs of a strong, underlying infrastructure.

The Metaverse

Humanity is early in the metaverse but that doesn’t mean the building has not already begun. This holds true within the DFINITY ecosystem, where “Welcome into the Metaverse” is bringing members from all over the world into a unified digital online space. Part game and part online social space, the beginnings of DFINITY’s metaverse offerings can’t be overlooked.

For those wanting a more athletic metaverse experience, DFINITY’s ecosystem doesn’t disappoint. Metasports Basketball appears on the threshold of making some revolutionary waves itself, as users can bring in their own non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to use as players within the game.

DFINITY Is Well Equipped To Decentralize Web3

The decentralization of the web is more than just eliminating the centralization of the infrastructure that powers the backbone of the web. It’s also very much about creating a digital space where real-world users can leverage the digital world in ways that they need whether it’s for business or leisure. When evaluating DFINITY’s ecosystem against others, research has clearly shown the Internet Computer is well positioned to take the planet into the next evolution of the World Wide Web.

Not only does DFINITY have the sovereign infrastructure in place, it also has the beginnings of the applications and categories of applications that matter the most to a typical web user. Social, entertainment, games, and the metaverse — DFINITY has what matters to the users of today, and the users of tomorrow, covered.