How a GED Can Help You Get a Job

How a GED Can Help You Get a Job

If you’ve never obtained a high school diploma, you may be wondering how a GED can help you get a job. A GED is a high school diploma alternative that certifies you in academic skills you would have learned in high school. Many employers will only hire applicants with a GED or equivalent credential. Employers look for this certification when hiring a new employee because it indicates they have the necessary academic skills to perform the job.

Getting a GED can help you get a job

GED certificate can open the doors to better jobs. It can help you prove to your boss that you can take on more responsibility and desire growth. That means more pay raises and promotions for you. A GED certificate can open doors to other opportunities, including a career in education. Employers may not be aware of the many benefits that a GED certificate can bring to a person, but they may see it as a positive sign.

If you are interested in a career in the arts, a GED will open many doors. Many different industries are looking for people with a high school diploma. Artists, for example, can look for work in floral design, painting, or crafts. They can even find an apprenticeship or on-the-job training program to learn their craft. These options are endless, and most of these jobs are rewarding.

Online GED vs Paper-based GED

There is one significant difference between taking an online GED test and a paper-based GED test for getting a job. A paper-based GED is outdated and is not accepted in many states. However, many adult education programs offer a paper alternative to prepare adults for the test. These programs offer adult learners preparation courses, including GED Ready practice tests. The Code of Virginia changed from a paper-based exam to a computer-based exam on July 1, 2006. The guidelines for eligibility remain unchanged, however.

The GED exam is rigorous, requiring high-school-level skills and knowledge. The test is so tricky that forty percent of high school graduates would not pass it on their first attempt. It comprises four independent subjects, including literacy, math, and science. Most GED test-takers will need basic computer skills and knowledge of math. The GED exam is computer-based and can be taken online or on paper, depending on your preference.

Cost of a GED

Many states have different requirements for taking the GED test, so you should be sure to know your requirements before you begin. Some require you to be at least 18 years old to register. However, most states allow people under the age of 18 to take the test. If you are under 18, you should obtain a signed age waiver from your parent or guardian. In addition, you should enroll in a state-approved preparation class.

People with high school degrees or an equivalent GED earn almost $9,000 more a year than those without a high school diploma. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, people with a GED earn nearly $9,000 more per year than people without a secondary education. In addition, people with a high school diploma are more likely to find a job. If you are a recent high school graduate, you can also enroll in college. You may be able to get an apprenticeship in an art studio or learn on-the-job skills by gaining experience.

Getting a GED as an alternative

A GED is the legal equivalent of a high school diploma. Although a GED carries less weight than a diploma, it still serves as an effective alternative. Many employers consider a GED to be an equivalent credential to a diploma. For example, the U.S. armed forces limit the number of enlistees who have a GED and instead require a higher score on the ASVAB.

Final Thoughts

A high school diploma is considered a minimum educational level for most jobs and post-secondary schools. Earning a high school diploma requires four years of full-time attendance. Full-time jobs, family obligations, and financial problems can make it challenging to meet the requirements for a diploma. A GED can be earned in a few months. However, if you’re leaving school just before graduation, you may not be able to fit in with a high school diploma.