How Much Will You Pay to Create a Website?

How Much Will You Pay to Create a Website?

You can build a website using one of the three most common methods. Those methods include the following: using a website builder, using WordPress, and hiring a professional web designer. And all of those methods vary greatly in cost.

For example, if you hire a professional web designer, you can be looking at fees of more than $5,000. On the other hand, if you use WordPress, it will cost you a lot less. You can check out this WordPress hosting cost article to get a feel of how much it will cost you. Aside from paying for WordPress hosting, you can use the CSM for free. So, at the least, you’ll have to pay only for hosting to build a website with WordPress. There are also themes and plugins, but you don’t have to use paid ones if you don’t want to.

The cheapest option to create a website is by using a website builder. You can even use some free ones if you don’t mind having ads on your site.

However, all of this information only scratches the surface. So, let’s dig in deeper and break down all the costs that go into creating a website.

Costs of Building a Website

Of course, every website is different. The exact cost that you will have to pay for your website depends a lot on what kind of hosting you choose, how you’re going to create your site, which plugins you’ll use, etc.

However, on average, you can expect an initial investment of around $200 and then lower monthly payments of about $50 to maintain your site. Those are the costs you can expect if you use WordPress or a website builder to create your site. But if you hire a professional website developer, you’ll be looking at an initial cost of around $5,000-$6,000 and a recurring yearly payment of around $1,000 a year.

But, in order for you to have an even cleared image, we’ll go through the costs of using a website builder, WordPress, and hiring a web developer separately. And while we’re on the topic of building websites, here are some things to consider when developing a business website.

Website Builders

Here is a full breakdown of the costs you will incur if you create your website with a website builder:

And that’s it. Everything else that your website needs, like hosting, security, themes, and customer support, are included in your monthly subscription. So, this is the cheapest method for creating a website, with a cost of $10-$111 a month (if you have to buy a domain name).


The costs of creating a WordPress website include the following:

All in all, the average upfront cost of a WordPress website is around $200, while the average ongoing (monthly) costs can be anywhere between $11 and $50 a month.

Website Developer

Lastly, here is a breakdown of the costs you can expect from hiring a professional web developer:

Overall, the average upfront cost for hiring a developer is around $6,000, while the average ongoing costs are around $500 to $1,000 a year.

Last Words

So, let’s make a quick recap. Creating a site with a website builder can cost you between $10 and $111 a month (if you have to buy a domain name). Creating a site with WordPress can cost between $11 and $50 a month, with an average upfront cost of around $200. Lastly, hiring a developer can cost around $500 to $1,000 a year, with an upfront cost of around $6,000 (one-time cost).