How to Get more Sales with Digital Video Marketing Strategies

How to Get more Sales with Digital Video Marketing Strategies

Selling a product or service is the goal of every business. That is why they are always coming up with various marketing strategies to increase sales. Over the years, these strategies have evolved as the consumer’s demands changed and introduced the world to video marketing.

Being versatile, video marketing is used by all types of businesses to increase retention, sales, and traffic. As a result, up to 86% of business owners have increased their sales using video marketing strategies. In the USA, the digital marketing industry has seen a manifold of $135 billion and still counting.

And guess what! This sector is set to increase in the coming years as the internet expands to rural areas where people lack resources to buy online.

So, if you wish to increase your sales using video marketing strategies, then this article is for you.

What do Atatistics tell Us?

Currently, it is predicted that an average person will spend 100 minutes watching videos per day. So, what’s the better way to reach maximum people than this?

According to Tubularinsights, 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching a brand’s video content on social media handles.

Marketers who use videos in their promotional campaigns saw a 46% faster increase in their revenue than marketers who don’t. (Wordstream)

How to Increase Sales Using Video Marketing?

1.    Understanding your Audience.

Before we jump to video marketing, let’s understand what our customers really want. By building a strong customer persona, we can deduce what type of video content to target our customers. Once we map out the details, we can then strategize our video marketing strategy.

If you want to build a consumer persona, ask these questions to yourself.

2.    Creating Explanatory Animated videos for your Products.

If I say you can save thousands of dollars required to produce professional video content, including production and direction, would you believe?

You can create interesting and engaging animated content for your products and services to share with your customers.

This era is full of new experiments and trying different ways to increase sales using any tactics possible. And animated videos have taken their place at the top of the list.

A reason animated videos are so popular is that they are extremely pocket-friendly. Compared to the professional video setup, animated videos can cut your budget cost up to 50%.

Simultaneously, animation videos have the power to explain difficult technical topics in the easiest way possible. It also makes your potential customers understand your products better. 

3.    Creating Testimonial Videos.

Apart from creating videos, explaining your product, or giving out information about your services, testimonials are the best content for video marketing. But why so?

As per the recent survey, 90%  of consumers are influenced by online reviews and prefer buying products after seeing them.

Testimonial videos help build brand credibility that works like a charm in the longer run. Creating short 30 seconds testimonial videos can help you market your product and services well, thus increasing your revenue.

4.    Call to Action

After watching the video, what do you want your customers to do? Do you want them to buy your product or services? Do you want them to follow your account? Do you want them to join your webinar, discord, or community?

Tell them with a clear CTA – Call To Action. For example, you can add the “Click Here ” link at the video climax to increase your sales.

In any case, if customers have to put extra effort into finding your product, it would result in delayed action, thereby reducing your sales. Compelling CTA links thus make it easy to perform specific actions you want your customer to perform.

After all, what’s the point of video marketing if your customers have to go beyond the video to book your services or order your product? That is where CTA comes into work.

“Click Here” links contains URL sending you directly to make a purchase or land on your final page. There is no doubt why CTA links help businesses grow their revenue multiple times.

5.    Videos can get you Indexed by Google.

Fun fact: Videos can help you improve the SEO of your website.

There is a 157% increase in traffic on your website through video content than normal pages. Moreover, people spend more than twice the time on your website containing video content than usual websites without it.

Furthermore, recent changes in Google’s algorithm have allowed videos to get crawled and indexed by search bots. As a result, your video can be ranked in the highest place on a SERP when correctly optimized.

6.    Distributing your Video

Oh, so you created your quality videos for your business. You loved it and showed it to your friends too. But what after that?

Distributing your videos to potential customers is the major part of video marketing to increase your sales. Reaching out to more accurate people on a large scale helps you increase sales exponentially.

Sharing your video on your social media handles and company’s pages is one way of distributing your video to the public.

How else can we Increase Sales Through Video?

1.    Adding Videos on your Website.

From the first page of your website to other pages, try adding video on as many pages as possible to help you get more clicks through that. Finally, try adding the video to your e-commerce site, which will eventually help people spend more time on the platform.

Pro tip: Make sure to optimize the loading time when inculcating videos to the dynamic website.

2.    Adding Videos on Blogs.

Adding videos on your blogging site can help people get the required information on the same page, thereby linking the product page directly to make transactions.

3.    Embedding Video in an e-mail.

Emails have always been one of the best ways to increase sales in any business. So how good would it be if we added videos to it? Imagine people clicking your video link to get the info and make a purchase at the same time.

Emails have been the best choice of businesses to increase their revenue and sales, and adding videos to it would act as a cherry on top of the cake.


Video marketing is one of the most effective ways of increasing sales for businesses. But it can be hard to create a strategy that leaves an impact on your customer’s mind. I hope this article can help you in increasing sales in your upcoming marketing campaigns.