So you’ve decided to take the step to get a water meter for your home or business, but what does it all mean? Here, we will be covering all of the basics when it comes to water meters so you have a better idea of what you are working with.
What Does A Water Meter Do?
In short, a water meter accurately reads how much water you are using. It does this by measuring the volume of water that flows through your pipes, so you are essentially paying for what you use as opposed to a set rate.
To go about getting a water meter installed, simply contact your water supply company who should be able to offer you a free installation. If for whatever reason, they cannot offer a water meter, they should be able to put you on a cheaper tariff.
Where Is My Water Meter?
For a home, you will usually find your water meter outside by your stop tap. You will find it under a small cover made of either plastic or metal that can be found in a variety of places besides your home such as your garden, a footpath or even further down the road depending on where you live.
Alternatively, your water meter can also be found indoors in which case, it is typically located under your kitchen sink.
For businesses, it will vary on the size and quantity of meters. If you have a small to medium-sized business, your water meter is typically located inside the premises where the pipe enters the building. For larger businesses, your water meter is likely to be outside located within a meter house or plant room.
With Castle Water, you can take easy and remote water meter readings for your business through an Automated Meter Reading (AMR).
How Do I Read My Meter?
Most covers are easy to remove, but if you’re in a residential area and you have a shared pit, the lids may be heavy so schedule a reading with your supplier.
Your water meter will either come as a digital or standard reading. For a standard meter, look for the black digits on the white background as this will tell you the cubic metres used. You will only need the first five digits.
If you have a digital meter, you may need to shine a light on it to activate it. The digits you will need are typically the top row of numbers you will see on your screen, but check with your supplier if you are unsure.
As noted, Automated Meter Readings (AMR) are becoming increasingly popular. Your supplier can take accurate readings of these remotely, so you don’t have to worry about finding the meter and removing the cover.
Overall, a water meter can be a cost-effective solution that can give you peace of mind knowing you are only paying for the water you use. This can be beneficial for both at home and for business owners to also be able to determine where water is being unnecessarily wasted.
Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.