Protection From Environment-related Dangers While Driving

Protection From Environment-related Dangers While Driving

Some of the factors causing emergencies for drivers often lay in the surrounding environment. While some can be easily foreseeable, others can emerge quite suddenly, making you need to face a dangerous situation.

Getting theoretical information on how to confront emergencies will help. Anyway, nothing is more potent than practice in giving you the ability to do it effectively. The NSW Safer Driver Course offers you that practice under guide and supervision of an experienced instructor and in conditions of safety.

Identifying Risk Factors in the Environment Around You

Along the road, external elements that can turn into danger include climatic and landscape-connected ones.

The Factors That Turn a Road Into a Skating Slope.

One of the main dangers while driving is the loss of adherence that can lead to stopping issues or skid-caused crashes.

Rain: strong one can lead to aquaplaning if the tires aren’t adequate (by kind, or consumption level). But also recently-started rain is dangerous! On dry roads, there’s always a subtle film of dirt, oil, and gum created by vehicle passage; a new rain begins adding water to this mix, turning it into a slippery carpet.

A layer of leaves on the ground can also create the deadly carpet; you can find it crossing forests, but even on tree-sided city roads. Sand or debris along the road can cause adherence issues as well.

Ice and snow are an analog danger, especially if your car isn’t mounting adequate tires or snow chains.

Dealing With the Enemy Between the Tires and the Asphalt

Loss-of-adherence risk has its prevention strategies:

If anyway the wheels fail to adhere to the ground, keep or gently orient the steering wheel in the direction the car is aiming. Ease the accelerator and use gears if possible to allow engine braking action. If you really need to stop, try with a series of short presses on the brake.

Rather than crashing on the car in front of you, it’s better to direct versus the roadside – but only if you see nobody there! People in the car, if they’re using safety belts, are more shielded from the crash than pedestrians.

Other Dangers Created By Bad Weather

Water puddles can hide deep holes or road bumps that might make you lose control, damage the vehicle, or remain stuck because of engine flooding.

Also, deep snow and heavy or low-grounded vehicles could end in your car remaining blocked by a thick layer that it can’t overcome. You could risk being buffered by following cars or incurring in hypothermia, on longer time ranges without receiving aid.

Rains and snow can create dangers also on more ground-related means: river flooding can reach the roads, turning them into streams. Landslides and avalanches can happen especially on badly managed mountain and hills territories.

Trees siding the road can have broken branches (or even entirely collapse) because of accumulated snow weight, or also for the strength of the wind during storms and hurricanes. Gales can hit your car with other things than trees or branches, so when the wind rises, always watch out for possible missiles.