There are many reasons as to why advancing your career progression is important. Some of these reasons include getting a salary boost, reaching a senior level position, or changing career paths. Moreover, it is clear that career progression is something that most people aim for throughout their lives. If you are one of these people, the tips in this article should give you some pointers in the right direction.
Step One – Welcome Opportunities
Step number one is to welcome opportunities. This means that whenever you are offered an opportunity that will aid in your learning and development, you should welcome it with open arms. For example, your boss may ask if you wanted to take responsibilities in another part of the business or offer you a training course such as an HND meaning Higher National Diploma. Both of these would be greatly beneficial in your career progression because you will have more experience to add to your CV. Additionally, with experience in a multitude of different areas you will be opening yourself up for a variety of different job pathways.
Step Two – Discover Your Weaknesses
The second step is to pinpoint the weaknesses in your skills and abilities. This is a really important part of self-development. For example, you may wish to enter a senior level position at work, but you lack the personal skills such as communication or leadership. If you notice these weaknesses, then you can start to take action to improve them. Then, once you learn the essential skills to lead a team you will be much more likely to be promoted into a senior level position.
Step Three – Obtain Qualifications
It is common knowledge that qualifications are one of the most important driving factors in career progression. There are so many different types of qualification that you can obtain. For example, the NVQ Level 6 is an example of a vocational qualification assessed on actions and physical work rather than academics. Whichever qualification suits you best will be beneficial for your career progression. In addition, qualifications are not just for before you begin working for the first time. Many people decide to continue study after they have been working for some time. The NVQ Level 6 is a great example of this because this qualification is obtained from demonstration of skills at work, no further studying is required.
The Bachelor’s degree is one of the most popular qualifications to take at university before individuals start their career. For those who are looking for even more career progression, a level 7 qualification is highly reputable. At the same education level as a master’s degree, it allows individuals to specialise in specific areas allowing them to enter a job role at a high level.
Step Four – Set a Timeline of Goals
The fourth step is to create a timeline in which you want to complete your career progression goals. This is a fantastic way to work out how long it will take for you to potentially reach your end goals and keep you motivated. This plan should include milestones such as completing university, taking volunteering roles etc alongside the dates that this is expected. This ensures that you dedicate your time to ensuring these tasks are complete and you will find that your career progression can be a speedy process.
Without a timeline of goals, you may find yourself forgetting about your goals or getting too comfortable in a role.
Final Thoughts
The steps outlined in this article were designed to make your career progression easier and quicker. I hope that these tips help you and that you consider incorporating them into your day to day life.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.