Jeff Krammer, founder of Distinguished Agency and The Amazon Group, has built quite the name for himself on the internet. By leveraging social media and press, he has built himself a name as a rapper, social media marketing expert, luxury realtor, and countless other endeavors. While this all sounds amazing, there is one problem–it is all based on a lie. Here is a short rundown of the problems that Jeff Krammer has caused his clients.
Poor Communication
While poor communication is certainly not an indication of a scam artist, it definitely is cause for worry and concern. When asked by one of his clients to show proof that he had completed the services they had purchased, Krammer was unavailable for weeks before he finally gave this reply: “I’m being honest, and I will do my best to pay you back.” This response of course was followed by nothing more, and the client still has not received a refund.
Misusing Cash and Fraud
One of Krammer’s many ventures includes a trading company. The problem is that at least one of his clients has not been able to see his investment put to work. “We asked him to show us an update on our trading account. For months, he would ignore us. When he finally did, he told us it was our fault and still didn’t show the accounts. That’s f—ed up.” While any trading venture certainly comes with a degree of risk, it also comes with a level of accountability. Any time someone gives you money, you should be able to show them what you did with it. What’s even worse is that this is not the only time that people’s cash has gone missing. In a separate incident, he used funds that were paid to his PR Agency, Distinguished Agency, to buy rental properties, but he failed to perform the services that he promised his clients. When he was pressed about it, he admitted to not having the money because he had used it to purchase investment properties. In this scam, his “misplaced” funds have cost his clients over $250,000.
Cornered and Caught
After several scams, it was only a matter of time before people would start noticing. With multiple clients pressuring him to show where the money was, he finally sent a screenshot of a bank account to show that he no longer had the money. This action may have been good enough to at least ease his clients’ worry and give him room to negotiate a repayment, but something was wrong. The account was not his and it was clear that the screenshot was a generic photo that he had pulled from a search engine. This is further proof that Jeff Krammer is at the very least dishonest and more likely, a criminal who is intent to take people’s money through deceit and lies.
If you are currently doing business with or are thinking of using the services of Jeff Krammer, beware! Based in South Florida, he currently does business under the Distinguished Agency, The Amazon Group, and his name Jeff (or Jeffrey) Krammer.
Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.