There are several methods that one can use to grow cannabis. Each method depends upon individual circumstances and also investment one needs to put in, in terms of finances and time. Here we shall look at the different methods one can use and also look at the merits and demerits of each method. All of these methods can provide a good return to the gardener. However, it is important to note that just like any other agricultural crop cannabis will be subject to different kinds of hazards such as insufficient water, bugs, and insects as well as a lack of proper fertilization inputs. Therefore, to get good cannabis it is necessary to put some efforts into it irrespective of the method used. Once you have obtained some seeds like the feminized cannabis seeds there are various methods you can use to grow marijuana.
1. Plain dirt
This is the most obvious method used to grow the crop. The marijuana will just be grown as usual like anything else. You only need to have good soil that is fertilized and watered in a proper manner.
This method is cheaper and easier to use compared to other methods. With this method, one can use readily available fertilizers that can be used in any nursery.
The soil you use can be of poor quality leading to poor yields or even the loss of an entire crop due to insufficient nutrients and mineral within the plant soil. Another major disadvantage is that the crop yield is likely to be lower compared to the other available methods.
2. Coco fiber
This method involves using an inactive medium, instead of soil which is then used to hold the cannabis roots. This eliminates the problems associated with the use of normal soil such as reduced quality.
The use of this medium results in a cleaner process and fewer insects and pests, while yielding better results than the use of soil. This method is also as cheap and easy to use as plain dirt.
The main disadvantage of this method is one needs to use specialized fertilizers which are more costly. Also, one needs to use coco fiber which has to be bought from specific stores that have it in stock like the homegrown cannabis company.
3. Hydroponics
Here, the crop is grown in a different medium for example gravel. The medium doesn’t have any vegetable matter or soil mixed in with it. The gravel is placed in a trough or a pot and water will be poured into the gravel at set intervals. On the other hand, the troughs can also be fully flooded with a special mix of fertilizers and then refilled once the water levels have gone down. The specialized fertilizers mixed in the water, provide the necessary nutrients that the plants need for growth. When you compare the roots that grow in the hydroponics system to those that have been grown in plain dirt, there will be a noticeable massive difference. It will be observed that plants grown in normal soil tend to have one main taproot while those grown using hydroponics will tend to have a massive net of small white roots instead of having one big taproot.
The main advantage is that the crop yield is more compared to the previous two methods. It is also a cleaner alternative due to the fact that there is no debris that would be attributed to the use of soil.
The main issue here is that it is more expensive to use due to the pumps, tanks, and troughs that are used in the planting process. It is also more labor-intensive while a lot of care is needed to monitor the nutrient level from time to time, to ensure that they do not exceed the required level. Due to its nature hydroponics need to use a lot of materials and equipment thus, necessitating the use of more space.
4. Aeroponics
This technique involves the growing of roots in the air. The plants are placed in a wire mesh that is molded into a basket shape which is then left hanging in the air. Fertilizer and water will then be sprayed over the roots continuously at predetermined intervals. As a result, the roots that grow are even more spectacular than those found in the hydroponics method.
This technique has the best yields as well as having the fastest plant growth rate leading to amazing results.
It is more expensive due to the nature of the equipment that is used which is similar to the sort of equipment that is used when engaged in hydroponics. It is also labor-intensive and needs daily regular monitoring to achieve the required optimum results. Also, one needs to be very keen when using this method this is because there is a need to keep tabs on the number of nutrients used as well as the pH level of the water. The nutrients and the water will be sprayed onto the roots and any slight variation in their optimum level can lead to negative results very quickly.
5. Aquaponics
Aquaponics is a relatively new method that is becoming more popular day by day. This technique is essentially an amalgamation of two older methods of food production namely, aquaculture and hydroponics. This is an integrated system whereby you raise fish and grow plants in one ecosystem in the absence of soil. There is a symbiotic association that is formed between the fish and the plants. The fish are a source of food to the plant while on the other hand, the plant becomes a natural filter that purifies the water which is the fish habitat. This process has to be done in a greenhouse that has a climate-controlled feature. This is a major advantage since the system can operate all year round. This will enable the production of fish to continue without interruption as well as the continuous growth of superior organic plants. A major element that would contribute to the success of an aquaponics system is the presence of useful bacteria. They help the system to operate efficiently because the bacteria convert the decaying plants as well as the fish waste into ammonia and other nutrients that can be used by the growing plants.
Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.