Getting a job as a fresh graduate from the university can be one of the toughest things that you’ll have to deal with when you walk out of the university gate. While you might have impressive grades, most job vacancies you encounter will always demand experienced applicants, already knocking you out at the first requirement. In other words, finding graduate jobs can be the most frustrating experience one can ever have if you don’t know how to go about the ropes.
However, that shouldn’t kill your hope and faith. You can always stand out from other experienced applicants if you learn to do things differently. Remember, there is always that special job for everyone, and you only need to master the art of increasing the chances of getting closer to it.
So, what are the tips that you can apply to increase your chances of landing a graduate job? Well, they include but aren’t limited to the following:
- Professional online presence
If you apply for a job online, the immediate reference that your potential employer can resort to, to find much about you is various social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn. While you might be tempted to use pseudo names on “naughty accounts” you don’t know when the dots might connect, and you are exposed. Therefore, it is important to retain a professional online presence that matches admirable values and skills that you might want to add to the company. Don’t forget that not having social media presence at all makes you look odd too.
- Networking
The internet has made the entire world look like a small village connected, and you can use that to your advantage by building a professional network. Join various professional communities and start carving a name for yourself. That way, you can have a networked “brand” to present to your potential employer.
- Volunteering/internship
Many organisations might not have “job positions” for graduate nut will have various internships and voluntary openings. Take advantage of that to add a new layer of experience to your CV and stand out from other graduates. Whether paid or unpaid, the same organization that hires you as an intern might be your next employer with gains!
- Learn how to write a good CV
Lastly, it would be best if you also learned how to write a professional CV. Most people make the mistake of downloading dubious CV templates from the internet and filling them out for job applications. While they may seem professional and appealing, they don’t give you the chance to highlight your achievements and stand out among many applicants. Remember, the main aim of writing a graduate CV is not even to land the job at the first view but to give your potential employer the reasons to call you in for an interview. Give your CV an achievement approach, and you’ll not regret even a single bit.
The above tips will help you increase the odds of getting hired by any employer. Don’t forget that as a graduate, you must sell yourself by playing to your strength, ideas, and general life.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.