Change is a scary thing. It’s something many of us balk at, and yet we all need it to thrive. If nothing changes we become complacent, bored, and even angry. If it happens too fast it can feel like our life is getting away from our control.
What this means for many of us is that when we know it’s time for a career change, we are hesitant. We want the change, but are scared of it and the possible consequences.
With this guide you’ll learn how to make a smooth career change transition, and be fully prepared to succeed in your new goals.
Know Why You Want to Make a Change
First things first, you need to understand the underlying reasons why you want a career change. For some it may not be the career path you are in, but rather the employer you really want to break from. This is fine, but don’t go through the effort of changing career paths when all you need is to find a new job.
If a career change is on your horizon, this introspection is also important for helping you find the right path for your future. You don’t want to be in this position again, so being deeply honest with what you want out of your career is a must.
Be Clear on Your Passions
Knowing what went wrong with your old career is the first step. Next you are going to want to really suss out your passions and what work you will be happy to do day after day. More than that, the type of work you want to do. Some want quiet days and consistency, others need to be challenged on a daily basis to be fulfilled. By understanding what you want out of a job, not just what you don’t want, you can really choose a dream that suits you.
Research Job Roles
With all that in mind it’s time to search job roles. If there is a specific industry that you want to work in, this can make your hunt easier. If the type of work you want to do is rather universal, then it’s not so much about the industry as it is about the career path.
It is important to note that some industries will demand more, even from the same role. If you work in administration, for example, but want to do more to help others, a smart career switch will be to work in healthcare administration.
Healthcare administration jobs are very important, well paid, and require highly qualified individuals. You can work your way up, yes, but to really succeed you are going to want to build up your qualifications.
Work Towards the Necessary Qualifications
Work to complete an online degree. Take workshops and work towards diplomas. There are so many ways you can build up your qualifications. Even small workshops and talks can really give you over the edge, because it shows a true dedication to your field and to being the best.
Get Involved in That Industry
Furthering these qualifications puts you in a great position to get involved and network with your future colleagues.
Conferences, Talks, and Workshops
Be social. Mingle. Ask questions. Really try to engage both the speakers and your fellow audience members. It could be a good idea to have business cards printed out and a website for them to visit, but at minimum just following each other on social media (particularly LinkedIn and other job platforms) can give you a more natural approach towards effective and lasting networking opportunities.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is another way to showcase your passion, skill, and network. It is ideal for those who want to work in very popular organizations that work to help others. Big name charities are hard to work for, but very lucrative once you get in. By volunteering you can really get involved and work your way up into a paying job.
Follow and Stay in the Know
At minimum you should stay up to date with industry and job news. By knowing the latest trends both in your position as an administrator, or in healthcare, you can prove yourself more passionate and capable than other candidates.
Keep Applying and Don’t Give Up
It can be hard even to switch industries, but stay in the same job role. That is why you need to be committed towards improving your qualification and network. By doing that you grow your options and your chances of success every time. Don’t feel bad if you don’t succeed on the first try. It just gives you more time to dazzle them next time you apply.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.