A business cannot prosper if employees do not feel safe at work. Owners need to take a critical look at workplace safety issues in order to uncover deficiencies and develop a plan to address problems. Evaluating potential issues leads to the prevention of workplace accidents, which in turn creates a healthier and happier workforce.
Emphasize Safety Through Training
Some industries, such as manufacturing, have a higher risk of workplace accidents. These companies must make training a priority to uphold safety standards. This type of training is best introduced when an employee is first hired to demonstrate the importance of safety and should be revisited frequently to reinforce the lessons learned.
Even companies that have a lower risk of accidents benefit from training. A retail store is not as hazardous as a construction site, but employees need to know what processes and procedures to follow to keep themselves and their customers safe. For example, retail employees should be trained on:
- How to properly clean up a spill
- How to help a customer who slips and falls
- How to safely lift inventory
Post the Message Throughout the Workplace
Once your employees are trained, reinforcement is key. A simple way to achieve this is by hanging an accident prevention safety poster in every common area. These posters don’t have to be boring signs that no one will read. There are many options for colorful, humorous posters that will catch the eye of your employees, making them laugh while reinforcing the importance of safety. Changing these out on a regular basis will also prevent safety information from becoming stale.
Keep the Workplace Clean and Tidy
A dirty, cluttered workplace is an accident waiting to happen and makes for an unpleasant environment. The simplest prevention method is ensuring your place of business is clear of debris. Eliminate any potential for falling objects and clear items from well-trafficked walkways. Other hazards to watch for include air conditioners, refrigerators, and water fountains that can leak creating a slip-and-fall danger. An accident prevention safety poster can be used to remind employees to keep their areas clean.
Open Communication Lines with Employees
Unless a business owner is familiar with the daily duties of every employee, he or she may not be able to identify every potential hazard. This is when open lines of communication are crucial. Workers should feel empowered to report dangerous conditions. An employee should know what to do when an issue is discovered and should feel confident that safety concerns are taken seriously. Provide employees with a phone number or email where issues can be reported. This information can be added to an accident prevention safety poster readily accessible to all employees.
Your safety plan doesn’t have to be complex. It can be as simple as keeping a tidy workplace and providing employees with training that includes access to a helpline or email where they can report concerns. Following these measures will prepare your workforce to deal with safety issues and help prevent unnecessary accidents.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.