The stories you read online about why people lose hair are sometimes anecdotal and shouldn’t necessarily be believed; the reasons for your hair loss might vary, but there is usually at least one cause in most men.
Let’s look at whether the reason for your hair loss is down to genetics or stress and what the appropriate treatment plans are based on either of those causes.
Hair Loss Due to Genetics
Your genetic makeup might mean you are predisposed to male pattern hair loss because perhaps you had parents or grandparents who also had the same genes, and they’ve been passed on to you; this is the most common reason for hair loss in men.
Typically, hair loss occurs in adult men due to excessive DHT on the scalp. DHT is a hormone naturally created by testosterone and is part of developing male characteristics. However, too much DHT can harm your hair.
The best way to know if your hair loss is genetic is to see where the hair thinning and loss begins; you might notice the crown area of your head is thinning first and looking less voluminous. Otherwise, your hairline might have receded significantly, indicating genetic hair loss.
If you experience hair loss due to DHT and genetics, there are products that you can purchase or get a prescription to address the problem.
Stress-Induced Hair Loss
If you’re losing your hair in a more patchy way on any part of your scalp, this could be because of stress. Although it is unlikely to occur at all, stress-induced hair loss can start in any area of your head, not at the hairline or the crown, as you’d expect with male pattern hair loss.
First, you need to understand whether you are stressed, as some people don’t even recognise when they are stressed. Reflect and acknowledge whether you are overworked or overwhelmed, then you can confront your stress head-on; this could be crucial to understanding the reason for your hair loss.
Managing stress isn’t always easy, but it’s possible to reduce stress by relaxing now and then, eating well, exercising regularly, and practising more mindfulness; if it gets too much, you should visit your doctor for medical help. In addition to taking medicated products to target your hair loss, there needs to be some effort at home to lower your stress levels generally.
Whatever the cause of your hair loss, Sons has all the products you need to resolve the problem. This includes Minoxidil, an FDA-approved topical medication that revitalises hair follicles by introducing greater blood flow and oxygen to the scalp.
Otherwise, Finasteride is an oral tablet you consume daily to block DHT from damaging your hair follicles so your hair can thrive and spend longer in the growth stage of its cycle.
Other supplements are available for daily maintenance at Sons, so you should explore all the hair loss products today.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.