Yes, here’s the honest reality. If you want to start a print on demand store, that is a seven-figure store than you need to sell on your own website (including aliexpress best sellers). Not a third party platform like Etsy you only storefront. I work with an investment to these days is Shopify because it genuinely is simple easy and reliable to use.

There are several Shopify plans and for most beginners the $29 a month plan is perfect. It is worth mentioning at this point that one of the most important questions to ask about shopify is: How to find out what shopify theme a website is using? So why would you want to open up your own store on your own domain name rather than selling on Etsy?
See, well, there are several reasons, but one of them is that you control the customers Journey. See in my own store. I can add up sell apps that will encourage the customer to order more than just one item a great way to increase the amount of money you make per customer and the more money you make per customer the more money you can afford to reinvest in grow your store. But on Etsy, well, you can’t do that.
What that usually means then is that when you sell products on Etsy your average order value is most likely going to be less IE customers spend less money per order.
That means that your profit margins are smaller which normally means that they’re not big enough to be able to afford to run external advertising. I have a good friend Sam. We both became friends because not only are we both interested in e-commerce, but we both went for the extensive auditing process of becoming a Shopify approved education partner, which means then that if you see any income screenshots, you know that they are legitimate.

Above is a snapshot of his print-on-demand store at that Yes sold millions of dollars with print on demand products is biggest seller being his leggings and do you know where most of our sales came from, they came from external Facebook advertising campaigns.
You see here’s the reality on Etsy you have the potential to reach the 35 million people that come to the website each year. But if you advertise on Facebook, you have the opportunity to reach a billion people. So here’s this is why if a million dollar store is your ultimate one day goal then really you need to be willing to open up and advertise in your own store.
But of course advertising is absolutely useless (with or without oberlo alternatives) if your products aren’t good and nobody wants to buy them. I personally have done over three million dollars in sales on my own Shopify store selling products that I don’t see touch or ship. It’s all print-on-demand we’ve done about 900,000 dollars in sales of leggings with pictures of dogs on them. We’ve sold, you know pillow covers with pictures of wine on it.
If you want to start a print on demand business, let me tell you something right now. The craziest funnest most ridiculous images are the ones that convert. Remember if you’re advertising on external platforms like Facebook or Instagram, you aren’t competing for your customers attention. So you need to make sure that your designs are very attention-grabbing and not just be a little minimalist logo in the corner of a shirt something else to keep in mind though. Is that when it comes to print on demand you’re not just stuck doing either one of these businesses. You can take advantage of both like smash Transit:

They run a successful print-on-demand store on Etsy and they run their own store on Shopify to see you know, you’re not just limited to one – Remember, it’s very important to diversify!

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.