The new year is the perfect time to get your company on board with branding. Maybe it is time to rebrand or just to start branding in general. The best way to accomplish this is by establishing an archetype and hosting a branding workshop.

Establishing an Archetype
Before learning how to run a brand workshop, you need to align your brand with the correct archetype.
Established by Carl Jung, archetypes are unconscious and universal symbols that humans understand. There are 12 primitive archetypes that can be used by your brand for effective storytelling.

Take the time to learn about each archetype to figure out which one best fits your brand. You may need to narrow it down to just a few and then take it from there with a branding workshop.
Build a Strong Brand with a Brand Workshop
During an extensive branding workshop, you should look at which archetypes align best with your brand. Once your team agrees on a primary archetype, now is the time to research the archetype’s colors, fonts, and voice. Create a plan to personalize your content with the right colors in your logos and on your website. Take a look at your current content and use the corrected voice when writing for your site. Also, don’t forget to use the right fonts! Archetypes all have specific traits that will help your brand stand out.
Yes, this is a lot to add to your current marketing plan, so don’t rush it! You want to take the time to make sure it is done right. During your brand workshop, make sure to establish who your brand is and who your audience is. Without this clear definition, it is not only going to be hard to pick an archetype but to use an archetype in your branding.
Some helpful hints include making a list of your goals. What are you looking to achieve with your archetype? Do you want more business? Or more returning customers? Make sure your goals are clear and defined.
ALWAYS include your important staff members when hosting a branding workshop. Everyone needs to be on board and understand the archetype. Plus, this is a strategic way to get fresh ideas and make everyone feel like they are doing their part. Most branding workshops last at least 3 hours, so mark your calendar.
It may not be easy at first, but once you start digging into brand archetypes, you will learn so much more about your brand. And with consistency, you will be able to add the archetype into your marketing without even having to think twice! As long as you make the effort and take the time in the beginning, it should be smooth sailing from there.
Benefits of Workshop
Branding workshops bring valuable benefits to your brand. By hosting an effective workshop, you can help your brand build confidence. Your team will learn the brand’s core values and goals to help them grow closer as a team.
With persistence and consistency, you can successfully use a brand workshop focusing on archetypes to make your brand stronger in the new year.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.