Dr. Frank Gunderson is a professor who teaches music studies. In addition to this, he also writes books pertaining to musical topics. Music is something that he loves and has a passion for. Receiving awards for his work is rewarding and encourages him that he is sharing his love of music with others who also have the same passion. Read on to learn more about the specific awards that Dr. Gunderson has been awarded during the course of his career.

2021-2022 Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award
Dr. Frank Gunderson is proud to have most recently received the 2021-2022 Fullbright Distinguished Chair Award. All of the candidates for this award are senior scholars who have a lengthy teaching record and significant publications history. Being nominated for this award is an honor in and of itself, but receiving is a huge accomplishment.

International Council for Traditional Music Honorable Mention Award in 2020 for Best Book
Dr. Frank Gunderson is proud to have won an International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Honorable Mention Award, in 2020. He was awarded this during the inaugural year for this award ceremony. He is proud of the book and is honored to have been recognized for his contributions to the musical industry.

Honorable Mention For the Alan Meriam Book Prize From the Society for Ethnomusicology in 2019
In 2019, Dr. Frank Gunderson once again got an honorable mention. The honorable mention was in regards to the Alan Meriam Book Prize From the Society for Ethnomusicology. The Society for Ethnomusicology was founded in 1955, and since its inception, has been awarding prizes to those who impact the music industry. It is an honor to be recognized by such an established society.

JHK Nketia Best Book Prize From the Society for Ethnomusicology in 2012
The first award that Dr. Frank Gunderson received with the Best Book Prize from the Society for Ethnomusicology in 2012. Dr. Gunderson put a lot of work into his book, and to have it recognized as being an outstanding book in the Ethnomusicology field is humbling yet rewarding. Being recognized by his peers and winning this award is one of the highlights of Dr. Gunderson’s career.
Dr. Frank Gunderson is extremely passionate about music. He loves the job he has, and when he is not busy teaching students more about music, he finds time to write papers and books pertaining to music. He also enjoys traveling to Africa where he studies the cultural music there, as well as creates independent films pertaining to African music. He is proud of the awards that he has received and it makes him feel grateful that he is able to share his love of music with others who share his passion.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.