Among all the ways technology has helped to improve human lives, none is as essential as advancements in the medical field. From the development of x-ray equipment to the enhancement of surgical procedures, healthcare technologies have gone a long way in making us healthier. Moreover, these technologies have helped to increase life expectancies like never before.
According to a report by Our World in Data, life expectancy has increased in all countries of the world. More specifically, life expectancy around the globe has doubled since 1870. That noted, while healthcare technologies are not solely responsible for this impressive trend, their contributions cannot be undermined.
As we go into the future, we can certainly count on advancements in health technologies that will play a pivotal role in curing ailments and bettering the quality of lives. However, that’s enough with our forward-thinking; let’s highlight the existing health technologies that are helping us live longer.
Software for Medical Devices
Since the early 1980s, people have been using the term “medical software.” It is understandable since this is about the time when developments in software tech made the building of software-driven medical equipment an achievable feat. However, these earlier devices had nothing on their modern-day counterparts.
While they allowed for simple processes such as the switching of healthcare equipment on/off and reading of temperatures/ pressure, today’s equipment takes on more complex functions. Modern medical devices can connect to computer systems or networks wirelessly (via Bluetooth or IrDA), enabling the exchange of medical data on the go or otherwise. RPM and MBAN are excellent examples of wireless-enabled medical devices.
So, how is software for medical devices helping with our longevity? It enables medical experts to diagnose ailments and identify the proper treatments. See, thanks to the intelligent software equipment used today, doctors can make swift and correct diagnoses. In turn, this has helped save countless lives that would otherwise have been lost due to misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, or incorrect treatment.
Blockchain is by far, one of the most secure technologies today. That considered, when its implemented in the healthcare sector, we can expect to properly mitigate cases of security breaches related to health data.
Now, by helping secure pharmaceutical operations via preventing data breaches, blockchain will assist in the combating of counterfeit medication. In turn, this will ensure that patients and the general public access trustworthy treatments, thereby saving lives across the planet.
Leveraging blockchain-based platforms can also help with the verification of physician credentials, another essential thing when it comes to saving patients’ lives. According to Healthcare Weekly, blockchain technology can offer hospitals, and other healthcare providers access to secure platforms with verified physician credentials. Moreover, these platforms can act as avenues where the involved parties share verifiable info with other healthcare providers, ensuring transparency and integrity in this life-defining sector.
Last but not least, blockchain can help in the delivery of effective patient care by providing a centralized database for patient health information. It achieves this by providing a secure way of storing patient data and allowing for its transfer among medical experts. This way, it improves healthcare provision, thereby helping save and enhance the lives of people with various ailments.
Robotic Care
Robots in healthcare have been around for a while. The Da Vinci surgical robot, which was developed by Intuitive Surgical back in 2000, is a good example.
Since then, other robots have been created. Robots are making daily hospital tasks such as transporting patient meals, dirty linen, laboratory samples, pharmaceutical supplies, etc. much more efficient. There are also patient care robots that assist patients in moving from their beds or wheelchairs to the bathroom, and other places within the hospital.
Combined with artificial intelligence, robots are being used to study data, identify patterns and, consequently, make precise diagnoses. They are also being used to improve accuracy in surgical operations and perform treatment remotely.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality has brought about several impressive benefits to the healthcare industry. One of the uses of VR in the medical field today is pain management. Traditionally, severe pain which is caused by illness and doesn’t go away is treated using opioids and is dispensed by the patient through a pump.
Recently, however, some hospitals have been trying out VR in minimizing pain. The reason is the technology engages parts of the brain that are usually occupied in translating pain. It can help distract burn victims during wound dressing and minimize the anxiety of children getting injections or blood withdrawals.
Another application of Virtual Reality is in treating phobias. Studies have shown that Virtual Reality can help people with the fear of spiders (arachnophobia) to fight their phobia. One study by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin found that people with arachnophobia were more willing to approach live spiders after being exposed to VR videos of spiders.
Other uses of VR in healthcare include helping patients to sleep, training medical staff to be more empathetic with patients, and enhancing physical therapy. As this technology gets more advanced, more applications will emerge.
Wearable devices are nothing new. When we talk about these devices, we mean smart gadgets that can be worn. They include smartwatches, wristbands, hearables, smart jewelry, wearable mobile sensors, smart glasses, etc.
The wearable market is booming. According to Statista, connected wearable devices will soar to 1.1 billion by 2022. Among the industries that are benefiting from wearable technology include military, businesses, and healthcare.
One of the most popular uses of this technology in health is monitoring fitness. Fitness bands from big companies such as Fitbit, Apple, Microsoft, Nike, Garmin, Mio, among others, are helping people to track their workouts or daily activity so that they lead healthier lives.
Wearable medical gadgets are also being used to collect patient data remotely. Healthcare providers can monitor how a patient is doing and even get alerts in case anything outside of the ordinary happens, for example, if a wound has gotten infected or the patient gets injured. They can also observe if patients are taking their medication.
These are just a few of the technologies impacting healthcare today. And they are improving not just the medical services we receive but also our lives. In the coming years, there will be greater technological advancements, and, consequently, more useful applications will come to light. This article comes from Marina Turea, content manager at Digital Authority Partners

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.