Brand and product, these are the two sides of a successful business, often treated separately, still often mistaken for the same thing. A brand means identity. It is the symbol for the quality behind you product. Meanwhile, a product is just a part of the brand but also more than that. In the last decade, the line has blurred even more, due to digitalization.

Double The Competition
Maani Safa, CEO of digital branding agency Poppins, is one of the industry’s leading experts on the challenges and opportunities. The all-star collective has an approach to find unity in the zone between brand and product. Under Safa’s leadership, the agency and brands work hand in hand together, other than just providing a simple service.
Other companies and agencies would have trouble establishing the communication. After all, they have individual teams. One to sell and provide information on the experience of the product or service. Another to provide insights and information of the actual product and service. As these two fail to see eye-to-eye, a discrepancy is inevitable.
Maani Safa has managed to eliminate this challenge with his team of experts. The spirit of unity has led them to start at building or understanding the brand, its identity and follow along up to the direct product and consumer experience. The seamless blend of the two seemingly separate aspects allows Poppins to attract more and more global operating topbrands.
Strength Of The Pioneers
Another key strength here is that Maani Safa isn’t the only driving force in Poppins. He credits the whole team for brilliant endeavors. It includes experts that have all worked for big brands. Combined, they have decades of experience and compelling profiles of working with companies like Google, BurBerry, Apple, Samsung, Audi, DeBeers and many more. This shines brightly into their profile.
Poppins stands out as a boutique agency that delivers a hand-tailored and unique strategy and methodologies to each client. They don’t just provide digital expertise and enrich the experience but also assist in providing business solutions. These newfound qualities have pushed Poppins to be at the top of the new frontier of the digital branding business.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.