Why Social Responsibility Matters a Lot

Why Social Responsibility Matters a Lot

Social responsibility is one of the most fundamental duties an individual is expected to perform for the community they are a part of.  It defines one’s ethical compass in society and humanizes us as more than a part of a structure. To assume that societal role is filled by one’s own individual purview and needs is a bias. The responsibility one owes to a community extend beyond stabilizing one’s own life as its member. Our social responsibility is realized only when we start helping others by ameliorating their needs. These needs can range a wide gamut of issues such as the financial crises, healthcare, homelessness, substance abuse, illiteracy, and many other issues. To overcome these woes, social responsibility must be put at the apex when it comes to bringing the change in society. It is more than a mere platitude uttered at the dinner table, and can actually bear substantial results once brought to action.

Here are some of the factors, discussed at length, that prove why social responsibility matters a lot.

You change lives

                  You are basically changing lives if you have a keen sense of social responsibility. That is because you start by helping others meet their needs. Whether it’s a personal gesture or voluntarily work like community service or even your professional platform, the action involving social responsibility leads to change, regardless of how small. However, the issues like poverty, natural disasters, or medical insufficiency, among others, can be wide-scale that is why opting for professional training as a social worker is oftentimes essential.  With the right training, you are able to address the difficult situations faced by society systematically.  On top of that, you are allowed an opportunity to perform your social responsibility in real-life scenarios. An online masters of social work can be a really accessible way to prepare yourself in becoming a social worker. Be that as it may, your job as a social worker becomes a great potential to remedy problems effectively. Assisting homeless families, filling resource gaps like food, medicine, and other basic facilitation, and even educating a part of the deprived populace are just some ways of changing people’s lives.

Human rights are preserved

                  Social responsibility can be exercised not only by making up for people’s needs, but also by resolving their conditions that go beyond monetary matters. This is where human rights are concerned. Domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, minority rights, school violence, criminal justice are some of the significant areas wherein human rights violation are most manifest. All of these problems fall within the spectrum of our social responsibility. It is therefore important for the members of any community to make a collective effort to not only offset these problems but outright eradicate them.

Fostering careers vis-à-vis betterment of the community

                  As briefly discussed before, one of the great ways to realize your social responsibility is by becoming a social worker. In the same vein, it is important to notice that by opting for a career in social work you are also balancing the unemployment ratio. That is to say, you are providing a service to your society by getting yourself a career all the while resolving its community from its manifold woes. An unemployed youth is one of the most underrated detractors of societal fabric. There are many fields that accommodate a social worker, all the while opening ways for the betterment of the community.  Such that you are allowed to tackle issues as unrealized as that of education concerning parents for properly raising their children; informing women living in rural areas of their rights; and raising awareness for animal rights and welfare among people. A social worker is exposed to almost every potential problem faced by an individual or a part of the populace in society. All in all, it can be said that a career in social work has a greater efficiency of rendering the said responsibilities as opposed to a layperson lending a helping hand.

A better society for posterity  

                  Our social responsibilities are not necessarily limited to us as individuals. The big companies and corporations are as much responsible for playing their part. That is why social responsibilities should be implemented more and more in business empires. A corporate rendering of social services has wider influences as it comes with financial wherewithal sufficient enough to tackle large scale problems that might not be possibly resolved by small non-profit organizations.  In the increasingly corporate world, a better society for posterity is only possible when our sense of social responsibility is extended to large bodies like government, corporations, and companies that take a lot from society but have to offer very little in the way of return.


                  All of these factors provide expository evidence as to why social responsibility matters a lot. It is as much as necessary for the present as it is for the future, as it strengthens society as a whole. A better society allows for a better life, and there’s no denying to that adage.