Do you have an account on CafePress? Then you might be worried after what we have to say here. CafePress is a custom T-shirt and merchandise company owned by Snapfish for over $25 million last November. You will be disappointed after hearing that there are accounts that have been hacked. After searching for various reports, we came to know that this malicious activity has victimized around 23 million accounts. Now, it is your high time to find out if yours is also one of them.
Well, there is nothing so much about this stage that we can talk about, and people have received some emails earlier from haveibeenpwned (HIBP) breach database service. Where exposed data about those 23,205,290 accounts and 23 unique email addresses. Even some of those accounts also compromised on their phone numbers, physical addresses, and the names of the account holders. This data was sent to Troy Hunt at HIBP from a source, and they requested him to send the same information to “”
Troy said that he realized the data was being circulated over the internet from two weeks ago the email was sent to him. And then with the help of his colleagues, he started to search for the same thing and found this.
People are asking why CafePress didn’t inform about this breach and why HIBP informed about this to people? Well, the Mozilla Firefox monitor service said that it could even take years sometimes for the credentials being exposed on the internet. And they also said that this breach was added to the Firefox database as soon as it happened and circulated.
So, find out immediately after reading this post, whether your account is also at risk or not.

Jesslyn Tan has graduated from London School of Arts with a degree in photography and when she returned to America, found herself unemployed for the longest time. Not letting the rejections get to her, she focused on branding himself as an individual, and after slowly building her portfolio and networking, she was able to start his career as a freelancer, work at his own schedule, and also pursue traveling, his other passion. She loves taking portraits of people and exploring the local cuisines of the places he visits.