Relationships can often be challenging enough in normal circumstances. Long-distance relationships can be more difficult to navigate if there isn’t the advantage of close physical proximity to work through issues.
It’s with this in mind that many couples resort to the relationship counselling Melbourne locals rely on to assist them. Are you in a long-distance relationship? Do you find it challenging to stay connected to your partner if you don’t see them all that often? If so, then this post is a must-read.
Find Creative Ways to Stay Connected
Many people believe that long-distance relationships can’t work, or that they require too much effort to create a real connection with a partner you don’t see every day. However, if this isn’t your belief, and you’re determined to at least try to make it work with someone who you already feel connected to, good for you!
Our experts have compiled a list of fun date ideas that you can tailor and customise to suit your unique situation. This may make it easier for you to not only create a long-distance connection but also to sustain it.
1. Embrace Technology
The first step to creating a connection with your long-distance partner is to embrace technology. It’s very unlikely that you are going to be able to foster a connection without it.
Each person will need a device that can make seeing the other person easier. Video calls, facetime, voice notes, zoom and any other video call apps are just a few ways to achieve this.
This will make it considerably easier to share your day-to-day life with your partner and also be a part of theirs.
Making the effort to embrace the technology that’s going to help you do this may go a long way toward making the distance feel smaller. The next step is to use your technology to create fun dates.
2. Schedule a Virtual Movie Night
If you and your partner enjoy watching movies together, then this suggestion is right up your alley. Here you can focus on favorites you’ve already seen or new movies you’d like to see together.
Each person needs to pick up a copy of the movie or get a Netflix or other streaming service subscription. The idea is to watch the movie together on a video call or via text and discuss the plot and characters the way you would if you were together.
Depending on where you are, texting may be a cheaper option, but keep in mind that a video call will allow you to see and hear your partner, which goes a long way toward connecting.
3. Bake or Cook Together on a Video Call
Partners who enjoy baking or cooking when they’re together shouldn’t let distance stand in the way of this wonderful pastime. Decide on a recipe, set up your mobile device in the kitchen, gather your ingredients and start cooking or baking at the same time. Be sure to keep the conversation going.
4. Watch the Same Sunrise or Sunset
Couples in the same or similar time zones can set up a time to watch the sunset or sunrise together. However, being in a different time zone doesn’t mean you have to forgo this wonderful date idea. If you’re in totally opposite time zones, you can still show your partner a sunrise or sunset from your perspective.
They in turn can show you what they’re looking at. Choose something you’ve never done together to make the experience memorable. Exploring a new hiking trail, stargazing, – the list is endless.
5. Plan Virtual Tours
This idea can be especially fun if one of you is in a new place, and neither has visited before. Arrange a virtual tour by taking your partner with you as you explore the city, neighbourhood, museums, or art galleries.
If you’re not too sure about the safety of brandishing your tablet or phone out in public, look for online tours. These are offered by many institutions, so it should be easy enough to find a place that you’ll both enjoy.
6. Play Online Games Together
If you and your partner are both people who enjoy gaming, then it may be a good idea to find an online game you both enjoy and get stuck into it. This is an excellent way to spend time together and engage in some good-natured and friendly competition.
If online games aren’t your cup of tea, you can rather invest in quiz games where you test the other person’s general knowledge and allocate points accordingly. You can either buy two versions of the same game or look for online versions that are easy to access.
Final Thoughts
If you share a deep connection with your partner, and circumstances are forcing you apart, it’s always a good idea to put in the effort to make it work. Use our tips and suggestions as a starting point to create or maintain an already existing connection between you and your partner. This may go a long way toward improving communication in your relationship and leave you with a solid foundation needed to create a lasting partnership!

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.