7 Reasons Why Porcelain Veneers Fail

7 Reasons Why Porcelain Veneers Fail

Porcelain Veneers are a popular treatment among all those who desire a perfect smile. Veneers are known to transform smiles and boost your self-confidence; their durability and versatility give them a universal appeal. Porcelain veneers Melbourne can easily last for 15 years with proper care. However, porcelain veneers could fail in some cases and may be needed to be replaced. This post discusses the factors that could cause the porcelain veneers to fail.

Why do Veneers Fail?

While it is infrequent for porcelain veneers to fail, they may fail in few cases, needing to replace the fronts. Some of the factors responsible for the porcelain fails are:

1. Improper Bonding

An experienced dentist will ensure that the porcelain veneers bond well with the teeth front. Without proper bonding, the shells could chip and break. Masks should be placed skilfully to eliminate the margin between the gums and veneers, exposing the underlying tooth. However, due to external forces, the bond might weaken and cause the shells to fail.

2. Wear and Tear

Porcelain veneers are durable; however, biting and chewing could cause the surfaces to chip and crack. Additionally, grinding and using teeth to break hard substances like cork and nuts could damage the porcelain. If you have a problem with teeth grinding, you should discuss it with your dentist so they could design mouthguards to protect the veneers. If veneers break, you may have to replace them with new ones.

3. Tooth Injuries

Sports injury, auto crash and hard fall could happen without notice and affect the gums and dental restorations. Damage to veneers needs to be corrected by replacing the fronts.

4. Root Canal Infection

A root canal is when the tooth pulp gets infected due to bacterial infection, injury, tooth decay and other diseases. Pulp infection leads to severe pain and discomfort and could lead to different mouth areas getting infected.

5. Misalignment of the original teeth

Before placing the veneers, the dentist should evaluate the patient’s bite, tooth, and jaw alignment and other orthodontal issues. Lack of foresight could cause the porcelain veneer to fail. In addition, all alignment issues will have to be corrected before placing the veneers. Else it could compromise the quality and durability of the shells. 

6. Improper prep for the procedure

The dentist needs to prepare the teeth before applying the veneers by removing a thin layer of the enamel so that the veneers bond well with the surface. If the dentist lands up scraping too much or too little enamel, it could cause tooth sensitivity and veneers failure.

7. Poor Construction

The construction fails of porcelain. If the veneers are too thick, they may make the teeth appear bulky. Also, if the veneers are not polished well, they will start looking dull and may get discoloured easily.


Porcelain veneers are durable and long-lasting treatments to mask your cracked, chipped, broken, or misaligned teeth.  However, if not done well, it could lead to porcelain veneer fails