7 Tips To Enhance Your Productivity

7 Tips To Enhance Your Productivity

Are you constantly on the hunt for ways to become more productive? Whether we’re working professionals or busy parents, there never seems to be enough time in the day to get everything done.

We’ve put together a list of seven ways to enhance your productivity that will transform your life for the better.

1. Online Calendars

If you want to be more productive, you’ve got to have a clear picture of what your day looks like. Sure, you could maintain a paper copy. But a printed version won’t set reminders, allow you to collaborate with other people, or sync to any of your digital devices.

If you opt for a free online calendar such as Microsoft Calendar, Google Calendar, or Yahoo Calendar, those other functions become active. Import all your existing online events and take control of your schedule.

2. Make a Clear To-Do List

Lists help us stay organized. Each time you check off an item, you feel more accomplished and eager to tackle the following task.

Define your essential chores and place the easiest ones at the top. These are the ones you should tackle first.

Save the more challenging tasks for after lunch or whenever your peak hours occur. These occur at the time of day when you feel the greatest natural energy and creativity and are apt to accomplish the more tedious items on your to-do list.

3. Improve Your Workspace

Staying productive while remaining connected through technology becomes more attainable if you have a workspace that supports productivity.

You want to be comfortable and inspired to work, of course, but not so comfortable that you catch yourself dozing off or too easily getting distracted. Start by identifying what your ideal work style is like.

4. Go to Sleep Sooner

You may be a night owl, but there’s nothing quite like starting the day bright and early to get a head start on all you’re facing. Going to sleep earlier will enable you to feel fresh in the morning so you can tackle a few tasks before you get bombarded with emails and other traffic.

For example, if you’ve typically been starting at 8:30 AM, try getting to work at 8:00 AM instead, to obtain a thirty-minute head start. This means you should probably go to sleep half an hour earlier than you have been.

5. Mark Out Focus Time

Meetings and appointments can pile up. It’s hard to feel like you’ll get anything done if you’re stuck in meetings all day.

That’s why it’s important to block out scheduled focus time on your calendar. This is your time to dedicate to the most important tasks.

You should make the command decision not to answer phone calls, emails, or other notifications so you can operate distraction-free.

6. Utilize Your Phone’s “Do Not Disturb” Settings

The new iPhone offers a lot of settings to alleviate distractions and monitor your screen time. The mobile device provides what’s called “Focus,” which allows the user to schedule specific times of the day for the purposes of personal, work, and sleep periods.

You can add certain individuals who will still have their notifications get through in case of an emergency, such as your child’s school or your spouse. Otherwise, everyone will be notified that you’re currently unable to talk so you can focus on your tasks at hand.

7. Take Breaks Throughout The Day

The Pomodoro Technique has been used for centuries and is favored by some of the most productive people in the business arena. This technique calls for working twenty-five minutes, followed by a five-minute break.

Complete this cycle four times. On your fifth break, take a longer time-out, say, around twenty minutes. Then begin the cycle again.

Pomodoro encourages you to break up large tasks so they feel more manageable, while giving your brain valuable time to recharge.


Becoming more productive doesn’t mean you have to make life-altering changes. You can do fairly simple things like the ones above: utilizing an online calendar, making lists, and going to sleep earlier.

If you start to feel overwhelmed, adjust your phone to “do not disturb” and take a break. Let your brain and body enjoy a few moments to disconnect so you can refocus more fully on your tasks when you return.