Paragard IUD is considered a long-term, non-hormonal device for birth control that is now becoming around the third most popular method of reversible contraceptive. Regardless of the popularity, it has gained, women have noted serious complications with the use of this device, upon removal and implantation. Paragard Lawsuit h become common because of the common concerns being raised with the use of Paragard intrauterine device, as more and more people file Paragard IUD lawsuits.
Paragard IUD: what is going on?
It has been claimed that Paragard IUD has resulted in the development of several health complications. When implanted, this device may damage or perforate the uterus and cause scarring or infection. It can also cause inflammatory disease of the uterus. If damaged during removal, the patient may need surgery for extraction. Because of these concerns, the Paragard IUD manufacturer may be held accountable for not warning the users about the health risks being that are associated with the use of this device.
Side-effects of Paragard
From what has been reported, the most common side effects of Paragard are less in severity in the period of adjustment. These side effects eventually wear off within two, three months of being used. Nevertheless, there are some severer side effects that may need medical attention. Here are some common side effects:
- 1. Heavier and longer periods
- 2. Spotting between the periods
- 3. Expulsion
- 4. Infections
- 5. Vaginal discharge
- 6. Anemia
- 7. Allergic reactions
- 8. Painful sex
- 9. PID, pelvic inflammatory disease
- 10. Uterus perforation
- 11. Menstrual cramps
- 12. Problem in removing the device.
What is the process of a Paragard lawsuit?
To start your Paragard claim, the first thing to do is to provide your medical history to your lawyer. The attorney will take their time to file and build your case. Any claim normally goes through these phases:
1. File your lawsuit!
You may need a skilled mass tort lawyer because these are tried in federal court. Hence, the first step is to file your lawsuit.
2. Bellwether trails
Before trying any case, the court tries several cases in these trials. These act as a litmus test showing how the case may go. Lawyers need to assess and check if the science backs the case. In case of being against it, the lawsuit can be thrown away. Nevertheless, lawsuit status can also change. These law firms deal with the process.
3. Settlement
In the final phase, your lawsuit will be settled, and you will be given your sum of money. The severity of your injuries and damage will decide how much you will get paid.
Where to get help?
Have you or your loved one suffered any complications from the use of Paragard IUD? If so, you can consult Paragard IUD lawyers to get you the compensation for expenses of medics, and a cash award. You can always consider contacting Paragard IUD lawyers like those at THL to help you fight your case and get the financial compensation that you deserve.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.