Computer Vision Syndrome: Know to Relax your Strained Eyes

Computer Vision Syndrome: Know to Relax your Strained Eyes


Do you spend a long time on the computer? Are you feeling irritated or a problem with vision? The eyes are one of the most delicate and vital parts of the body. With the extended use of digital devices like mobiles, laptops, or computers, computer vision syndrome is rising. Extended working hours on the digital platforms have given rise to various medical conditions, of which computer vision syndrome is one.

One of the ominous rings that can cause serious strain, itchiness, and even dry red eyes has been negatively affecting the vision, which is known as Digital eye strain. According to the Vision Council, around 59% of the people who routinely use digital devices have faced computer eye strain symptoms.

While you seek to protect your eyes from computer vision syndrome, it is important to know the symptoms and causes as well.

Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome

The problem of computer vision syndrome has been increasing at a great frequency for the past few decades. With the increasing use of digital platforms for day-to-day working, digital eye strain is common in both children and adults.

The most common causes of computer vision syndrome are:

●                             Poor lighting in the room or at the workplace

●                             High glare from the digital screen

●                             Improper distancing from the screen

●                             Incorrect sitting posture

●                             Viewing screen from the wrong angle

●                             Uncorrected vision problem

●                             Staring or lack of blinking

●                             A mix of the above simultaneously

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

While there are various causes of digital eye strain, the knowledge of the symptoms is equally important to make sure that you are aware of the same diagnosis. Since most of the causes are linked to a lack of proper vision, it is important to know the symptoms.

The most common symptoms are:

●                             Strain in eyes

●                             Blurred or doubled vision

●                             Dry and itchy eyes

●                             Discomfort in eyes

●                             Eye Redness and fatigue

●                             Headache

●                             Pain in the neck and shoulder

The severity of symptoms is directly linked to the times and any other underlying eye problem. An extended period on the computer while working or improper alignment while online working can cause these symptoms to go severe and have adverse health effects.

Who is at more risk of Computer Vision Syndrome?

You may be having blurred vision or straining eyes, but are you at risk of having computer vision syndrome? There are a few categories of people who are at more risk of having computer eye vision syndrome. They are:

●                             People linked to the digital services

●                             People working on the computer for a few hours daily

●                             People with eye problems like vision issues

●                             Having bad posture or wrong angle while working

●                             Using a glass pair not suitable for computer

●                             Lack of breaks while working

●                             Using high glare screen while working

Treating Computer Vision Syndrome

The digital devices are amazing to use and have lessened the burden as well. But a continuous and long-term use of digital devices has given rise to issues related to the eyes. While the issue is totally curable, it is important to treat the computer eye syndrome to avoid worsening the situation.

The treatments for the syndrome are more linked to protecting your eyes from computer vision syndrome. The most common ones are:

●                             Eye examination

A regular and timely eye examination can help to identify the warning signs before developing. It will help to prevent the chances of occurrence of computer vision syndrome. A person involved in the frequent use of digital or computer screens should discuss the preventive strategies by getting a regular eye examination within a minimum interval of 3 months.

●                             Appropriate lighting

Excessively bright light can cause strain on the eyes. The light might be from the exterior or interior, but it can be reduced with the help of the blinds or curtains on the windows and installing low-intensity bulbs at the workplace.

●                             Reduced glare

The reflection from the screen irritates while working. Using the anti-glare screen protector for painting the nearby walls with matt finish can reduce the glare and reduce the strain. The anti-reflective (AR) coating reduces glare and reflection while working.

●                             Better display screen

Upgrading the computer display screen by changing the screen to the latest high-resolution screen technology that offers wider display and easier viewing can help avoid computer vision syndrome.

Blinking while working is important to remoisten the eyes and avoid the symptoms of dry and fatigued eyes. Blinking eyes while working reduces the strain on the eyes and reduces the discomfort. Also, using eye drops can help to reduce dryness and subsequent chances of computer vision syndrome.

●                             Use 20-20-20 rule

The best exercise for the eyes is to follow the 20-20-20 rule. It not only reduces the fatigue but also helps in better focusing. The rule’s idea is to work for 20 minutes from a distance of 20 feet and looking away from 20 seconds after every 20 minutes. Frequently applying this rule can relax the eyes.

●                             Proper intake of nutrition and water

Nutrition and water are the best rescues for any kind of ailment. Good nutrition and proper hydration will help to keep the body and eyes relaxed. Dehydration can cause dry eyes, but proper water intake can reduce fatigue, facilitating good vision.

●                             Reset the display system

The idea here is to adjust the existing computer screen. Setting the brightness, text size, contrast, and color temperature to a soothing combination will reduce the eyes’ straining. Contrasting a perfect strike between the high dullness and brightness is the key to having the most effective display system while working or even during entertainment.

●                             Modify workstation and sitting arrangement

Modification of the workstation and the sitting arrangement is one of the finest ways to fight the computer vision syndrome. Setting a proper distance and angle that reduces the body fatigue and offers adjustment to the eyes while working can help fight computer vision syndrome. A distance of 20 feet from the computer and an angle screen of 10 to 15 degrees is comfortable for the neck and shoulder for a long work duration.

●                             Get computer glasses

Last but not least, the idea here is to contact the doctor. Getting computer glasses that reduce the eyes’ exposure to the harmful rays of the computer screen can lessen the risk of computer vision syndrome. Wearing glasses or contact lenses while working on a computer for a long period can assure safety from the computer rays’ ill-effects and reduce the chances of computer vision syndrome.

There are chances that even after using protective measures, the computer eye syndrome might occur. It is suggested to visit the eye specialist who can check and suggest adequate eye drops for treating the syndrome in such a situation. The usual prescription includes the medicine for increased tear production or treatment for allergies.


The majority of people rely on the computer and various other digital devices for their work. With the increased use of the computer, the chances of digital eye strain are also rising. Computer vision syndrome can be harmful to eyes over an extended time. Taking proper care of eyes can prevent pain, redness, dryness, blurring of vision, double vision, and other head and neck sprains.

Protecting your eyes from computer vision syndromewould follow the main strategy of preventing it at the first stage. Having a better work environment and allowing the eyes to rest regularly is the best way to prevent and treat digital eye strain. Make sure to contact the healthcare provider in case the irritation and blurriness exist for long. Protect your eyes from computer vision syndrome by taking proper care of them.