Tips To Keep You Healthy, Happy, and Motivated

Tips To Keep You Healthy, Happy, and Motivated

Life can get very busy and often we lose track of the little things that keep us accountable for our health and happiness. Here are a few tips to help you stay on top of your health and happiness so that you don’t fall behind. Maintaining a regular schedule of each of these and staying committed to these actions can keep you healthy, happy, and motivated throughout your day.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Eat breakfast every morning!  Breakfast gives you the energy to start your day, gets your metabolism going, speeds up your brain function, helps you focus throughout the day, keeps you satisfied longer, and overall makes it easier for your body to process food which will save you money at the grocery store.

Eating breakfast doesn’t have to be boring though! From smoothies to oatmeal, there are many different options out there for everyone’s taste preferences. Check out local juice shops or healthy restaurants to find something delicious for breakfast!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  A study was conducted and found that people who skipped breakfast had a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity than those who ate breakfast.  This leads to an increase in health problems such as heart disease which will make you less happy or motivated for work. Eating breakfast has been proven to stabilize your blood sugar levels throughout the day and it also gives you more energy during your first few hours at work. Be proactive about eating healthier by starting with a healthy breakfast!

Stay Hydrated with Water

Drink more water.  Our bodies are made up of 60% water which means we need it every day, every way possible! Drinking plenty of H20 is very beneficial to our bodies because it keeps us hydrated, boosts our metabolism, flushes out toxins in our body, regulates our body temperature so that we don’t overheat or get too cold, hydrates the skin which makes it healthy, and radiant looking. What’s even better about water is that there are no calories which will save you money at the grocery store. You can infuse fruits into your water or drink zero-calorie flavored glasses of water to give yourself an extra health boost!


Stretch throughout the day.  Performing simple stretches throughout the day will help you stay limber, flexible, and ready to handle any situation. You can do yoga stretches in your living room for free or search online for quick office exercise routines that don’t involve any equipment!

It is a scientific fact that stretching improves brain function.  Studies have shown that when people stretch, they are more cognitive and able to think clearer.  It also reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia which will help you stay healthy and happy.

Stretching has been proven to increase your body temperature, improve blood circulation, reduce heart rate, lower stress levels, relieve muscle tension and pain which will make it easier for you to get through your day with less emotional hardship or physical discomfort. Stretching regularly throughout the day can help prevent many illnesses such as high cholesterol and diabetes by increasing flexibility in joints and muscles which helps stimulate proper organ function.

Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Get plenty of sleep.  Getting 8+ hours of rest every night is essential for our health because it helps us recharge after a long day, increase energy levels, maintain healthy brain function which prevents us from making silly mistakes at work/school, boosts our immune system so we’re less likely to get sick during cold/flu season, assists with weight loss (when combined with a healthy diet), increases metabolism so we stay energized longer on little/no food. It’s important to wind down before bedtime so our brains can relax and recharge for a fresh start tomorrow.

Get Rid of Terrible Drinks

Stop drinking energy drinks/coffee.  While they may make you more alert, they are filled with unnecessary sugar (that will get stored as fat if not burned off), causing you to crash later on in the day when your body processes the caffeine out of your system, dehydrating your body which will give you dry skin and make it difficult for your brain to function at its fullest potential, and deprive yourself of sleep which is essential to our health! Get plenty of rest instead so that you can wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

Fight Stress

Fight stress during the day.  Stress is bad for our bodies because it releases hormones known as cortisol into our bloodstream which puts your body into “fight or flight” mode which can leave you feeling dizzy, bloated, and fatigued. It also causes our brain function to decrease so it’s difficult for us to make decisions clearly or process information properly which leads to poor work/school performance.

While stress is inevitable in life, try not to let it get the best of you! There are many different ways people deal with stress every day – sports, games, good music, or outdoor activities that you enjoy doing solo/with friends/family. Find what works for you and practice it regularly so that you have a go-to coping mechanism for when things get tough! Another key element many Americans have found that fights the stressors of the day is a tea leaf called Kratom powder. Better yet, The Kratom Family is the best place to buy Kratom online because of the 18 years experience the owner applies to his tea. Vendors like this can help you choose the best route to take for your routine – this just got a lot easier! Plus, you will soon discover that this plant can also help you balance your day for the better as well.

In Conclusion

Evaluate yourself regularly.   Healthy living doesn’t happen overnight. Maybe you didn’t eat healthy yesterday and today is the first day of the rest of your life, but tough! If you slip up, brush it off and keep going because giving up isn’t an option when it comes to doing what’s best for your body. Every week or month (depending on how regularly you practice self-assessment) take a step back and look at all areas of your life: school/work, friends & family, personal relationships, dealings with others on social media (trolls), mindset – do this regularly so that you know where you can improve yourself and strive to be better tomorrow than you were today!