These days, cybersecurity images became entirely predictable. You have seen so many interesting hooded men with a shadowy face standing or sitting in front of their keyboard and doing some coding or something. You will find so many images of this type on the internet, and they are amazingly eye-catching and attractive. OpenIDEO is an innovation practice of a global design firm IDEO, and they think that with your co-operation, they can improve these images. Hence, they created a hosting contest where visual creators are encouraged to make super eye-catching, informative, and clear images.
Cybersecurity refers to data breaches, and that includes hacks and policy changes, and it is also a problematic idea to visually represent the concept. That’s why the OpenIDEO wants to reward the creators for their hard work and creativity. And you will be amazed to find out what your reward will be. It is $7,000 to up to five people it you can submit cybersecurity-related images within the deadline.
You can submit your ideas within August 16th, and after that date passes, they will review all the submissions. And by September 4th, they will announce a shortlist of winners. They will reward $500 along with a mentorship period so that they can finish their plans and their designs in the final submission. Moreover, they will announce the list of top winners by October 24th and the $7,000 prizes will be given away. Your images will be shown up in some technical or policy reports, presentations, or even news pieces. And all those creative winners will have permissions to use them and will get a contract on the Creative Commons.
So, here is hoping that the submissions would be amazing and we will surely find out some new images rather than that hooded man standing behind a keyboard.
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Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.