The development in technology has seen CBD almost find its way into every area of human life. There are myriads of CBD-inspired products that cut across various aspects of our life. Some of the products are coffee, gummies, intimate gels, skin creams, chocolates, sparkling water, and many others. CBD patches are also a CBD-inspired product brought about by the innovation.
Understanding patches
Transdermal patches have existed for several decades, although they have not been in use in the cannabis world. They play a crucial role in supplying vital ingredients into the bloodstream. Some common patches include nicotine patches, which help smokers to quit smoking, and birth control patches. Nowadays, they have found another method of getting CBD into the body so users can enjoy its benefits.
To understand the CBD patches, imagine textile adhesives (plaster) used in the medical field to cover wounds. Just like the plaster, a CBD patch can be peeled off anywhere on the body. But the difference is that the CBD patch is a piece of plastic infused with CBD.
While compared with other CBD oil products, patches are not damp to enable them to stick to the skin. Although they can be placed anywhere on the skin, the majority of users place them on the venous parts of the body, such as the hands, wrists, and ankle area. This is because CBD is more likely to have higher absorption into the bloodstreams in these areas.
While still discussing the use of CBD patches, you need to be informed about where to buy quality CBD products. One reliable vendor to buy from is Berkshirecbd.
The technology employed in CBD patches
CBD patches have a dose of cannabidiol molecules infused in a gel, solution, or oil. They also have carriers and permeation enhancers. Due to the low CBD concentration in the skin, the high concentration in the patch makes it move into the body.
The CBD patch creates a complex reaction with the body. The body’s heat activates the adhesive pieces, prompting them to release CBD molecules as well as other infused ingredients such as caffeine, THC, and many others. When the molecules are drawn in through the skin, they get into the bloodstream. The body begins to process the compounds and the effect of CBD starts happening.
Advantages of CBD patches
Having grasped what a CBD patches are and the way they work, here are some of the benefits of this innovative way of consuming CBD:
· Discreet
Do you want to get your CBD dose without others knowing? Well, use a patch, which could be the most discreet method available. No vaping, popping pills, smoking, or using a tincture. What’s more is that you will not need another dose for several hours. You can get your CBD dose for six or more hours from the patch.
· Better absorption
The lungs and stomach have protective mechanisms that limit the intake of compounds into the body. While the mechanism helps to avoid dangerous substances being absorbed, it may hinder useful ones like CBD. With patches, these filtering organs are avoided, allowing more of the cannabidiol into the bloodstream. Users can get the anticipated experience and enjoy the benefits of the compound, even with less CBD.
· Accurate dose
To get a precise serving when using a tincture is a tall order. CBD soft gels are better in providing more accurate doses when comparing the various consumption methods. CBD patches are also accurately measured portions. Thus, if a patch has 50mg CBD, that’s what a user gets.
CBD patches employ technology to deliver the chemical into the body effectively. At times, this option could be the optimal method when one cannot swallow a gel, edible, or use a tincture. It is also a discreet way of consuming CBD for those who want to do it without raising eyebrows.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.