Can Lab-Grown Diamonds be as Valuable as Regular Diamonds?

Can Lab-Grown Diamonds be as Valuable as Regular Diamonds?

Do you know that a natural diamond needs millions of years to form in the Earth’s core until it gets the quality that will satisfy the jewelry market? And do you know that lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds too? Many people think that the lab ones aren’t the same, because they come for a cheaper price. But, there is a reason why these diamonds are much cheaper compared to the natural ones, and we will explain it in this article too.

The truth is, if you compare a natural and lab diamond side by side, you won’t spot any difference. You won’t find any too even if you use a special tool to monitor the quality, faceting, and shining properties. Even the most professional and experienced jewelers have a hard time determining if the diamond is natural or lab-grown.

You will be surprised to learn that natural diamonds are imperfect, because of all the elements and pressure in the Earth’s core. Lab-grown diamonds are perfect, and that’s the main difference between them. So, why are they still cheaper compared to natural ones?

Do lab-grown diamonds have value?

It is completely wrong to believe that laboratory diamonds are not valuable, just because they are not found in nature. On the contrary, both types of diamonds have the same chemical and physical structure and originate from the same element – carbon.

You can also order a custom diamond, in terms of color or design. This means that even when they are cheaper, lab-grown diamonds still retain their high market value. For example, someone will always be able to buy an engagement ring at a better price or get the jewelry they want.

Accordingly, the value and authenticity of lab-grown diamonds should not be questioned. The only decisive factor in such cases is personal preference, according to which you may prefer natural diamonds and aim for such a purchase.

How are diamonds produced in the laboratory?

There are several methods of cultivating diamonds in the laboratory and the process takes no more than a few weeks. We remind you once again, all these diamonds are real and there is no difference in terms of a chemical structure and physical characteristics. The only advantage is the faster process which saves time and money.

Getting a natural diamond requires long research and modern machinery. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting a purely natural diamond, because in a way, you own something that was created over millions of years in the Earth’s crust. But if you need something more urgent, then the laboratory crystallization process is what we recommend.

Only experts in this field could indeed tell the difference by using special methods to observe and measure the diamond. By eye, you could never tell the difference.

We must say that this is a fascinating phenomenon because, in a way, everyone can afford to buy a diamond ring without spending a fortune on it.

There are many misconceptions associated with lab-grown diamonds

These diamonds are a real trend among jewelry lovers, but they also seem to be constantly surrounded by misconceptions, stigma, and prejudice. However, we are here to explain all your dilemmas and help you choose jewelry for yourself or someone you love.

For example, lab-grown diamonds have a high market value, which, as expected, is lower than that of natural diamonds. Of course, you can get variations according to your taste, which means you have more flexibility in choosing. The price of these diamonds can be up to 40% lower than natural ones.

Many believe that the production of these diamonds is harmful to the environment, but we must emphasize that there are many more harmful phenomena. In fact, the growth of these diamonds takes place in controlled conditions, which also control the emission of harmful gases, and the energy is renewed. Compared to the damage that occurs during the mining of natural diamonds, we can say that the laboratory method is much more ecological than it seems to us.

Another misconception is that laboratory diamonds are all the same. In fact, certain irregularities can occur that make each piece unique, just as nature does with mined diamonds.

How are lab-grown diamonds made?

There are two prevalent methods of producing diamonds. One is CVD – Chemical Vapor Deposition and the other is HPHT – High-Pressure High-Temperature method. For the first method, a very small piece of diamond is used, which is placed in a chamber and under the action of the chemical reaction, diamond crystals are formed around it.

In the second method, natural graphite is placed in a special machine in which there is a certain pressure and temperature. Under the influence of these parameters, the structure of the crystal changes, and the diamond is created.

So, when you buy lab-grown diamonds, you are actually saving both money for you and resources for production. Of course, the price of a diamond can rise according to demand, even when the market is flooded with such products. There are certain attempts to make this process even more sustainable, although it already saves enough resources.

The verdict

The choice of whether to buy a lab or natural diamond is yours and no one else’s. The most we can do is emphasize that there is really no significant difference between these diamonds, especially when it comes to physical and chemical characteristics. But there is a difference when we look at the origin and the way they reached us.

As a consumer, you have every right to spend a fortune on natural diamond jewelry. But at the same time, you have the right to ask for the lowest price for the best quality that can be found in the market. Industry and market power allow us to do this, but this is not related to either ethical aspects of sustainability.

In the end, it is you who decides what you will spend your money on. Well, if it is a natural diamond, then no one can stop you from that intention. But this does not mean that laboratory diamonds are worthless – on the contrary, as you can see, they also have their buyers and market value.