We’re one year into the pandemic, and while things are getting better, we still have a long way to go. The world has opened up and with it the probability of fresh infections too. This means, you may catch an infection anywhere, whether it be from a public place or coming in close contact with an infected person. Either way, you must get tested and thus protect your loved ones from getting infected too. If at any point of time, you feel that you’re experiencing typical coronavirus symptoms, here are the different tests you can take into account:
1. Covid-19 Antigen tests:
This test, also known as the rapid antigen test helps identify foreign(in this case Covid) antigens in the body. It gives results much faster than molecular tests that search for the presence of mRNA or other molecular markers.. To get this test, you need to submit nose and throat swab samples which will bes tested for antigens in a diagnostic lab. But the major disadvantage of this test is that there is a high probability that it will not detect an active ongoing infection, which makes this test a bit unpredictable. It may detect a past infection and posit as a present one
2. Covid-19 Antibody tests:
A Covid-19 antibody test is also known as a serological test, that basically screen for covid antibodies in your bloodstream. It tells you if you have had a prior covid-19 infection, but gives you no indication of a real time infection, since your body develops antibodies only after you’ve hand an infection, in response to an antigen. Its a great way to find out if you have built any resistance against the virus, but if you want to know if you’re currently infected, this test does not serve the purpose.
3. Covid RT-PCR test:
This test detects the presence of mRNA in the swab sample. The mRNA makes up the genetic composition of the virus and is therefore a much more reliable and accurate test that its counterparts. The RT-PCR test is the gold standard of all Covid tests today and can most accurately detect the presence of a real-time ongoing infection. Thus it is most recommended if you are undergoing symptoms of the virus or have travelled, attended a crowded event, met an infected person etc.
The RT-PCR test is very safe and even people with diabetes, heart conditions and physical conditions such as excessive belly fat after a C section and obesity can get this test done without any issues.
To get an RT-PCR test, you can simply get your samples collected from the comfort of your house, through Mfine! It allows you to book a COVID test at home and delivers your results within 24 hours. Your samples are tested in trusted partner laboratories following which you can discuss the results with well known general physicians around you, on the MFine app itself.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.