Trying to raise your online profile? A quick search will often reveal two ways to do so – SEO services and PPC campaigns. In fact you may even see lists suggesting one is better than the other. How do you choose the right strategy to meet your company’s needs? It’s simple – don’t.
The Reality of the SEO vs. PPC Debate
Some believe SEO and PPC are two different things. The reality, though, is that SEO and PPC have the ability to completely complement each other, and crossing the two strategies could mean a more successful search plan as a whole. One isn’t better than the other. Invest all of your time and efforts into PPC, and your organic presence will suffer. Invest all of your time and effort into SEO, and you won’t see returns for some time to come. SEO and PPC can play nicely together, and if you’re trying to accomplish real results fast, you may want to consider investing in both. Still not sure why they’re better together? Check out the benefits you get when you combine these two digital marketing forces.
Higher Visibility
The benefit you’re going to see the fastest when you combine SEO services with PPC management help is that you’re going to get quite a bit more exposure on any search engine. The two or three results on any search engine are typically PPC ads. While organic traffic is important, paid search results alone can increase traffic and help viewers get the impression that you’re an established company in your field. That kind of traffic may actually make you more established as you begin to grow.
Better Data
If you’re working from both a PPC perspective and an SEO perspective, you’re going to be getting a lot of data very quickly. That means you can decide which way you want to move forward much faster than you could with data from one source or another. You will suddenly have the power to decide which organic keywords or which PPC keywords pay off the best and which ones have higher conversion rates. You can use that information to enhance your overall strategy.
Let One Feed the Other
What works in the world of PPC may also work in the world of SEO. That can be just as true the other way around. If you use these two techniques together, you’re likely to learn how to better your strategy on both sides. PPC helps you see immediate results from changing things like tags, page content, and more. Organic search can reveal trends that may better inform your PPC efforts and help you see a better ROI on every ad you produce. Using the two strategies together can help you learn what works in both arenas and what doesn’t, and it often lets you understand those facets with a higher level of speed.
Stop Negative Press
If you’re just now getting into the SEO game because you’ve had some negative press recently, the fastest way to get rid of it is to combine both PPC and SEO. The ads you place can lead people to sites about your efforts to change, particularly in high profile problems. They can also help you tell your side of things a bit better than you might be able to in organic results. The organic pages you build, though, will be indexed for years to come, and that will help to rebuild your business’ image overall.
Boost Social Media Efforts
Social media is changing the way people do business fast, and using PPC ads on social media sites can certainly help you change your online image. More than that, though, social media PPC ads are highly targeted, so if you’re trying to work with one segment of the population, using this kind of advertising will help you build that section of your organic search efforts as a whole.
SEO and PPC don’t have to work against each other. In fact, using your SEO services company to build a managed PPC campaign may just be the smartest thing you’ve ever done. To learn more about how we can help you develop the right PPC campaign to meet your needs, contact us today.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.