How to Find A Good Attorney Online

How to Find A Good Attorney Online

Just about everything can now be done online, including hiring criminal appeals lawyers in Texas.

You’ll need to do these 5 things to ensure you’re getting a top Texas appellate lawyer to fight for your cause.

1. What Kind of Lawyer?

Not all lawyers have the same specialty, and hiring a lawyer that’s well-versed in employment law will not get you the same results when what you really need is an appeals lawyer, for instance.

Once you’ve determined the type of lawyer you need, it’s time to check the local bar association.

2. Check Your Local Bar Association

LBAs are like the Yellow Pages for finding the best Texas appellate attorneys in your area and cut the amount of time you need searching on the internet.

Better yet, most LBAs offer free referrals that can match you with someone who’s familiar with Brownstone Law.

3. Get Referrals from Family and Friends

Ask around and you’ll probably bump into a friend or family member who has hired a lawyer before. Even if the one they hired is different from what you need, you can ask that lawyer if he or she can provide a list of good Texas appeals attorneys, for example.

4. Make a List

By this time you’ll probably have a few attorneys in mind. List the top three down and don’t forget to include their website URL, contact information and address.

5. Review and Research

Finally, do your research and check out each attorney’s website and the services he or she offers. To verify the specialty you can browse through the background information and previous cases taken.

You will want a lawyer who has at least 3 years’ experience in appeals and working civil and criminal cases. Moreover, they will usually have social media profiles on LinkedIn or Facebook, so don’t hesitate to reach out and ask questions.