Whenever people think about dentists, they are quickly reminded of tooth extraction. While many dentists perform tooth extractions, it is safe to say that about 85% of dental procedures are simple and painless treatments that are meant to protect and strengthen the teeth. Many people are ill-advised about the importance of dentists to teeth health. If they knew, they would consider dentists as their best friends.
Why do you Need a Dentist?
Dentists are professional medical practitioners that focus on the health of the teeth. People need dentists for various reasons. However, it is a known fact that the general public does not know much about the many dental procedures of a dentist. Everybody needs a dentist for healthy and strong teeth. However, due to affordability and inadequate information, people are misinformed about other dental procedures that can preserve and restore a decaying tooth.
Different Dental Procedures/Treatments
People mostly visit the dentist for teeth cleaning or extractions. However, beyond these simple procedures, dentists are known for more complex procedures too. They are:
Teeth Cleanings:
People visit dental clinics the most to clean their teeth. This is a very essential part of caring for the teeth. It can be done once every six/twelve months.
Teeth Whitening:
People also need dentists to make their teeth white. This is a simple routine that is done for health and cosmetic purposes.
Dentists are known to scare off people because of tooth extraction. However, modern dental routines can make the process a painless and quick procedure.
This is a common solution to many tooth problems. A veneer is an easy and simple routine that can be used to solve many dental problems.
Dental Fillings:
People with tooth cavities go to their dentists to fill up the hole to prevent further decay. The procedure involves a fast and numbing experience.
Dental Crowns:
Dental crowns are a moulded replica of the teeth that are used to augment a tooth with a huge cavity. Many dentists have 3D printing machines for dental crowns.
Root Canal Treatment:
RCT involves the treatment of the tissues of the tooth. This dental procedure is usually recommended in cases where patients feel extreme pains and they do not want the tooth extracted.
Braces and Invisalign are materials that are used to correct and straighten crooked teeth.
General cosmetic dentistry: Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized area of dentistry that involves a general improvement of the teeth for cosmetic purposes.
How to Find a Dentist
With all the dental procedures listed above, it is safe to say that people visit dental clinics for various reasons. In many scenarios, people will urgently need a dentist due to unbearable toothaches. Due to this, many reliable online platforms have a list of all dentists by region. This means that you can find a dentist based on your location. This is useful especially in times of emergencies.
The platform is a database of dentists based on their areas of specialization and capabilities. You can begin your search by using your location. The professional portal then goes on to allow you to narrow down your search to dentists based on areas of specialization. This means that some dental procedures are not done by a dentist who focuses on general practice.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.