An internal watchdog has reported about the failure of the cybersecurity controls. This has caused digital attacks on the site. According to the agency inspector general, digital security fell short of standards that were outlined in the Federal Information Security Management Act. This is one of the government’s primary cybersecurity regulations that outline all the actions to be taken to protect people against cybercrime.
A review had been conducted which mentioned the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of systems and data by the site which had been affected. The auditors who conducted the review mentioned the same in the report. There were vulnerabilities detected which were also mentioned in the public reports.
It was reported that the FISMA requirements were not fully implemented due to which this problem was experienced.
In addition to this, people suffered problems because the cyber posture lacked resources to implement proper security controls. The auditors were questioned regarding the facilities and vulnerabilities for which they said no further information is available for the same.
The reports have revealed that this information might lead to more cyber-security weakness being suffered by the department.
The department had received three recommendations to which they agreed. It was revealed that plans were already being made to address the weaknesses being addressed.
According to the IG’s report, many organizations have failed to stand-up the cybersecurity controls. Governments are also struggling to protect defenses from cybercrime.
The rising cybercrime is causing a threat to the defense and the Government needs to take strict action against such deeds. This is causing hindrance for the undercover and IT departments as there is a threat to the information to be leaked. The government is and must take some actions to stop or control cybercrime for the betterment of the nation.

With a degree in Fashion specialising in jewellery design, Shuei Ro has always had a dream of having her own brand. Taking some online business classes in her free time, while she was working in a multinational firm as a fashion consultant, she was finally able to step away from her job and incest completely in her business. Right now her brand is available across the United States, and she regularly publishes guest articles and conducts workshops for young entrepreneurs who want to start their own business.