What would you do differently if you could go back in time and re-live your High School Years? The latest Sims 4 expansion pack: The High School Years lets players experience High School in a completely different light. This time you can choose your friend group and your hobbies and experience High School in a virtual world. You’ll have to juggle school activities while trying to discover yourself as a teenager.
This has been the long-anticipated latest expansion pack from Sims, and many fans are excited to get stuck into the simulation once again. However, others share a disappointment with yet another expansion pack for the Sims 4, as opposed to a new Sims 5 game with a new and improved gaming experience.
Gen Z Trends
An expansion pack released in 2022 has to be filled with all the current trends of the time, especially if it centres around the lives of Gen Z. Sims has made the High School experience as accurate as it can be and have included options such as choosing your pronouns.
In the trailer, we are introduced to a few characters that give an example of what you can become or who you might meet in the game. “Ash” is a style icon who goes by the pronouns “she/they” and is a quintessential teen of today’s day and age.
This is a huge draw for the latest expansion pack, as it encompasses the life of a teen today and how different it is in comparison to 10 years ago. Individuality is celebrated amongst today’s youth, so if you feel like you were never able “fit in” during your High School Year – you can now (kind of) re-live a better and more diverse experience through Sims.
A Unique Perspective
Sims is known for its attention to detail when it comes to each player’s unique characteristics, and this expansion pack is no exemption. There is no cookie cutter mould that anyone has to fit into, each player is given the opportunity to “discover themselves”, just like in real life. If you want to be a straight A student, you can devote your time to the school curriculum – but if you want your Sim to have a rebellious streak, you can sneak out, ditch class or even play pranks on your friends.
More Than School
The High School Years aren’t only about school, there are also local hangout spots where you might bump into a crush or spend quality time with a close-knit friend group, and it’s really up to you where your priorities lie. Just like the current generation’s unique sense of style – your Sim has incredible wardrobe options to choose from. This expansion pack’s wardrobe is designed by popular Depop sellers, so if you have an interest in fashion this might just be the best expansion pack yet.
A lot of the Sims fans are drawn to the game for its realistic and ridiculously fun interior decorating tools and this expansion pack has all the goodies you could possibly want. Your Sims room can become the room you’ve always dreamed about with the best tech and coolest decor. This expansion is definitely worth the wait and every Sim fan – even those well over the age eligible to claim an online casino welcome bonus – can’t wait to get stuck in!

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.