Preparing a formula is a very responsible business. Every little thing matters here. You will need great precision so as not to mess with the proportions, and of course, impeccable cleanliness to support a baby to eat well and never suffer from a tummy. Never force-feed a baby and do not leave hungry, if a baby smacks its lips, then it is not full. Here we’ll discuss tips and tricks on how to bottle-feed your baby.

How to Choose a Formula?
It is best to consult with a pediatrician. However, if a baby is not lactose intolerant, any formula is suitable. It is great if a formula contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, for example, HiPP formula stage 1 meets all standards, is produced using European technologies with the strictest quality control, and is recommended as an alternative to breast milk for newborns.
Heating a Formula
Never reheat formula in the microwave because it is unevenly heated and this can be harmful for a baby. Place the bottle under hot water for a few minutes to warm it to room temperature.
Hold your Baby Firmly while Feeding
Try not to disturb or move your baby while feeding, because it may choke.
Cleaning the Feeding Equipment
If you rinse bottles and nipples well with clean hot water, you do not need to boil or sterilize them. Remove any leftovers completely. Unwashed food particles can cause digestive upset.
What to do with Unused Diluted Formula?
If a baby has not eaten from a bottle, a formula can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. If a baby touches the nipple at least once, throw away what is left.
Replacing the Formula
Sometimes, to cope with digestive problems, it is necessary to replace the formula. You can try to switch to the Loulouka formula or to the HiPP Dutch that stimulates growth and brain development.
Hand Washing
It may sound silly, but it is not obvious to everyone that it is needed to wash hands with soap, and warm water before handling the bottles and feeding a baby. Besides, check the cleanliness of the table and measuring spoon.
Do not Use Tap Water
For a baby, you need to choose soft water, with hardness not exceeding 7 mg-eq/l. The right water for your little one is the key to its health and wellbeing. Boil bottled water and cool to a temperature of 40 ˚C.
Checking the Temperature
Drip a drop of formula onto the inside of the wrist, where the skin is as sensitive as in the baby’s mouth. Immediately after preparing the food, close the jar tightly and feed a kid.
Mixing According to Instructions
Pour the required amount of product without a slide into a bottle with prepared water. Next, close the bottle with a lid and roll it between the palms. Shaking the bottle can generate a lot of foam.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.