For years the events, tourism and travel industry enjoyed a bustling trade. Cities were thriving and idyllic vacation spots had a lot of attendance.
Then came COVID-19 and put a grinding halt to tourism. Not only that, but sectors such as commute, accommodation and videography were hit hard. Local and global markets stalled while the world waited for the deadly pandemic to pass.
Right now we’re still dealing with the effects of the coronavirus, but one may wonder what the world is going to be after the threat has died down. Will travel be restored to its usual hustle-and-bustle?
The New Normal
Some countries believe that the worst has passed and are gradually starting to restore shops and services. Wearing masks is now the new normal and doesn’t show any signs of letting up soon. Public parks are now crowded with people who want to get some fresh air after being forced indoors for so long.
International travel is still forbidden, with most airports being inactive due to fear of acquiring imported cases. We’re looking at months before cities could rebuild themselves economy- and manpower-wise, but the time spent indoors could be put to better use by planning for the future.

What’s Next for Travel and Tourism?
With international travel being a no-go, governments can try to reboot the travel industry by focusing on what they have. Local tourism can be a good substitute and can serve as a catalyst towards the invigoration of the economy.
If this is the case then we can expect governments to ease loans and encourage reward-based programs. Domestic tourism will be tasked with the burden of appeasing travelers with the same experience as foreign tourism.
Later on, competition for tourist dollars will be the central point of survival. Some countries will impose COVID19-free certificates at the risk of rekindling health problems. Countries who are hit the hardest are most likely the ones that show greater promise post-COVID 19. Later on, a sort of certification, booklet or otherwise will become a requirement for those who would want to enter or leave a particular country.

Post Covid-19 Tourism Measures
Countries should unite and find ways on how they can reboot the tourism industry. While on lockdown, virtual meetings and strategizing is needed so the powers-that-be can plan ahead and generate income that can support many ailing industries.
Data analysts and tourism academics should pitch in with their ideas based on expertise and big data. Brainstorming for new creative opportunities and how it can make for a novel experience should be formed today so it can take shape as soon as possible.
Sustainable Tourism
The corona virus has showed us that people and mother nature are now more important than ever. Therefore, the focus has shifted from flashy tourist spots to the more down-to-earth approaches.
People and communities are an essential part of travel and tourism, whether domestic or cross-country.
Virtual events, or ones that take place on the internet and devices can be a temporary platform for tourism. With the help of graphic designers, benefactors, website designers and 3D artists a virtual event can be set up that takes the visitor to points of interest.
The same applies on just about any industry that wants to survive. According to TravelWatchNews, website strategy should be revised, and what better way than to learn more with the best selling Book “WEBSITE” on Amazon! (in Paperback & Digital Download)
Digital media skills will be in-demand, with the possibility of blossoming into its own career during and post Covid-19. The better you understand the shift the greater the chances of surviving the shifting landscape.
If a landmark is unreachable by foot then companies and governments must recreate them in virtual 3D. We have the hardware and technological processes for it. All it takes is one step forward.
It’s up to the world leader’s hands to try and rebuild their respective nations when the corona virus finally passes. Leaders should work together for the common good to revitalize the economy on both domestic and global scale.
Gradually the travel restrictions will be lifted and people will be free to travel and stay where they want. Granted, there will be systems in place to detect and verify whether the tourist is COVID-19 free but they’re more for peace of mind than anything else.
If anything else the pandemic has taught people to think outside the box and accept the new normal in light of overwhelming odds. Working from home is now accepted, and digitization has filled in the shoes of conventional trade and services. The future is uncertain but because it’s a blank slate it’s more exciting.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.