Drug and alcohol addictions affect people in various and complex ways, and recovery means much more than simply stopping drug use. Unfortunately, many people think that people who are addicted to a substance just lack willpower, as though it were a matter of simply choosing not to do use it anymore. While willpower certainly plays a role, there are underlying issues that must be addressed for proper recovery, and it’s important that this is done safely.
Depending on the type of substance and the duration and intensity of its abuse, quitting cold turkey can have serious — even fatal — effects on the mind and body. This is why it’s important for people to detox properly with professional supervision and guidance.
Detox Centers
If somebody wants to stop the cycle of addiction, a crucial step is to eliminate the body’s reliance on the substance. The purpose of a Denver detox center is to help people address the physical side of addiction so they can move forward into other aspects of recovery.
Over time, drug and alcohol abuse changes a person’s chemistry so that there is a very real physical dependency on the substance. As the drug is being eradicated from the person’s system, the body has to adjust to the chemical changes. It’s important that people do this in a detox facility so they are under the supervision of medical professionals.
A detox facility can help individuals manage withdrawal symptoms and readjust at a safe pace. The physical dependency may have become so severe that rapid changes can have serious repercussions. The NZ Drug Foundation explains that the reason people can die from quitting a substance too abruptly is because the body may experience complications from severe withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures or heart issues.
Relapse Prevention
Relapses can happen, but this doe not mean recovery isn’t possible or that progress hasn’t been made. Attending a detox center can help reduce the opportunities for relapse.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, monitoring somebody who’s working towards recovery can help reduce relapses. This is not only because there is increased accountability, but also because those helping the individual may be able to recognize signs of a potential relapse and make appropriate adjustments to treatment.
Detox Isn’t the End
People with addictions need more than to just stop using the substance; there should be psychological help as well. An addiction — whether it’s to drugs, alcohol, food, or even an activity like shopping — is often a maladaptive coping mechanism, meaning the addiction is a symptom of the issue, not the root issue itself.
Once people have been able to detoxify their body of the chemicals it’s become dependent on, they are better prepared to tackle the other issues that the addictive behavior was seeking to treat.
Addiction recovery is possible for anyone, and it’s important that it’s done safely. To begin the process, people must remove their body’s physical dependency on drugs or alcohol. This is best done under the supervision of medical professionals to help reduce the pain of withdrawal and manage its effects to help people regain control of their life. Then they will be prepared to move forward towards full recovery.

Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health.