5 Important Searches You Need to Optimize for Organic Traffic Rather Than Direct Traffic

5 Important Searches You Need to Optimize for Organic Traffic Rather Than Direct Traffic

It’s no secret that optimizing your website for organic traffic rather than direct traffic is an excellent way to ensure your business receives steady traffic over time. If you’re in business, you probably know how important it is to be the one that appears at the top of the search results whenever someone searches for something related to your product or service. However, it would help to optimize many kinds of searches for organic traffic rather than direct traffic to ensure you’re getting the most value out of your SEO efforts.

1.   Image Searches

Optimizing your images for organic traffic is a great way to get people to find you in image search results. The easiest way to do that is by optimizing your image file names and alt text. For example, if you have an image with a picture of an iPhone 6, you could name it iphone6-1 or iphone6-image. You can also include relevant keywords in your alt text, which will show up when someone hovers over an image on Google Images.

Also, to optimize your images, make sure they’re at least 1000 pixels wide to look good as thumbnails. Keep in mind that most images are around 300 pixels wide, so 1000 pixels is still pretty small. Finally, ensure you host all of your pictures on high-quality websites to avoid spammy flagging. You can search for seo agency lancaster to help you optimize your images for search engines and grow your traffic.

2.   Video Searches

Let’s face it: video is becoming a more critical aspect of search. People want to know what you and your office look like and how you create your products. The problem is that these types of pursuits tend to perform very poorly with traditional text-based approaches (i.e., website optimization). Even if people click on your videos, they may bounce right off if they don’t see what they need to see immediately.

If you can optimize your videos to show up in organic results, you’ll be able to capture an audience before they even visit your site. It will improve organic and direct traffic by ensuring people click through to precisely what they were looking for online. As Google says, “We consider ranking pages based on their content and purpose and popularity with users”. So make sure your video content is popular!

3.   Academic Searches

No matter what industry you’re in, you want to make sure your website ranks highly on Google and other search engines when people are doing academic searches. These include searching for companies or business names, searching for certifications or professional bodies, or looking up terms in law, medicine, etc.

If a user is conducting an academic search, they’re often researching a problem they need solving, which means they may be ready to pay for solutions. You can use keywords like certification or professional body to ensure that these searches bring users directly to your site. However, to attract natural traffic to academic online search, it’s also essential to have high-quality content on your site that answers questions at length.

Consequently, if someone finds your page through an education-related search, they might stay around long enough to learn more about you and become a customer. It’s, therefore, crucial to have an SEO professional providing a lead generation service so that you don’t miss out on potential customers.

If you’re looking to get organic traffic, news search is one of your best bets. While you won’t be able to sell directly on a news page, it’s an excellent way to build up links that lead back to your site. Always make sure you target keywords associated with your brand to optimize for those terms, and readers get to notice your services or products. Over time, those links will increase visibility and higher organic traffic!

5.   Vertical Searches

While many people use Google to search for broad, general information, like the Eiffel tower, others use it to find a more specific piece of information. They might type in something like how much does a ticket cost at Eiffel Tower? In such cases, people search vertically—specifically about a particular topic. Optimizing for vertical searches helps target visitors who are ready to buy or take action, rather than visitors who are just browsing around.

Vertical searches also tend to produce higher conversion rates than other searches. Vertical searches usually involve long-tail keywords. Hence, optimization for organic traffic needs to focus heavily on helping searchers convert instead of focusing exclusively on attracting new visitors through increased rankings. You should optimize your website based on questions people would ask when using the Google search engine.


As a business owner, you know how important it is to increase your visibility on Google and other search engines. However, you may not realize that there are different kinds of searches that will require an SEO campaign. To optimize your website for organic traffic, you need to understand which searches are most likely to bring in visitors who will convert into customers. While every company’s situation is unique, the content will serve as an eye-opener to help you understand how and what kinds of searches you should be optimizing. A reliable SEO expert can help you determine which types of searches to focus on to drive more targeted traffic to your site.