Coco Chanel: the most important fashion influence

Coco Chanel: the most important fashion influence

It is undeniable the importance and influence Coco Chanel has had in the fashion world. In fact, she revolutionized not only how women dressed, but also the perception of what womens’ fashion should be. Her way of seeing fashion through a completely different lens has allowed her to create one of the most trendy brands in the world of fashion.

Chanel and women

At a time when women were seen as second-class citizens, Coco Chanel created a new paradigm. Not only was she an entrepreneur but she also changed how people perceived fashion for women. Her way to be allowed for the widespread recognition of women as excellent business owners.

This is the reason why her influence in the world goes way beyond the realm of fashion. In fact, she had a powerful influence over women in business also. Her ability to create such an iconic brand is one of the reasons why women in business should be grateful for Coco Chanel’s efforts.

She opened the door for more women to create their own fashion businesses and other types of businesses.

Coco transformed the fashion business

It goes without saying that Coco Chanel’s influence was way beyond how some of her designs changed. In fact, the whole fashion business was transformed since her creation of Chanel. There are good reasons why women look up to her, and what she accomplished in her lifetime.

As a proof that even though you may have a modest background you are always able to create something unique that lives on, way beyond you. This is what Coco created, and her brand and name will continue to live on for many years to come. The brand might lose its appeal for some time, but it will still remain one of the most important fashion brands of the 20th and 21st centuries.