Ear Correction Surgery , Otoplasty or Ear Pinning

Ear Correction Surgery , Otoplasty or Ear Pinning.

Ear correction Surgery is the cosmetic surgery that is done to alter the size or shape of the ears or to pin them to stop them from sticking out.

Pinning the ears back is also known as otoplasty ( ศัลยกรรมหูกาง) or pinnaplasty. Otoplasty is generally done on children and teenagers.

Ear Correction Surgery is not performed on children under 5 years because their ears are still growing and due to their age the ear is too soft to hold the stitches. (1)

How Otoplasty is Done?

There are many kinds of surgical options one can opt for when undergoing ear correction surgery. The procedure for every surgery is different.

Children and adults getting otoplasty are under the influence of local anesthesia. The procedure can be done by a plastic surgeon or an ENT surgeon (ear, nose, and throat). (1)

A small cut is made behind the ear for access to the ear cartilage, pieces of the cartilage are removed if deemed necessary by the surgeon. The ears are stitched at the back to reshape or reposition the ears closer to the head.

The usual amount of time taken to perform an otoplasty is 1-2 hours so the patient is free to go home on the same day. It can be done in the certified surgical facility or clinic. No need to stay overnight in the hospital.

The ears are wrapped using a bandage to avoid infection, to help them heal, and to retain their shape. (1),(2)

Non Incision Otoplasty

This recently developed technique for otoplasty does not need an incision made into the skin.

A needle is inserted into the ear cartilage to make it more flexible. The ear is stitched to maintain its new shape or the cartilage is fixed behind the ear to a bone.

Though this surgery seems better because it does not require cutting into the skin, more research needs to be done before it can be deemed a safe procedure for everyone. (3)

Types of Otoplasty

If the auricle that is the fold of the cartilage does not develop properly otoplasty can be done to fix the size, proportion, shape, and positioning of your ears.

The procedure is generally safe but there are some risks one should take into consideration.

Several different types of otoplasty can be done to give your ears a more aesthetic look such as:

1.    Ear Reduction:

A condition called marcotia is when your ears are bigger than normal. The size of your ears can be reduced by otoplasty, a lot of people with marcotia opt for this procedure.

2.    Ear Augmentation:

Some individuals have ears that have not developed completely or are small in size so they use otoplasty to increase the size of their outer ear.

3.    Ear Pinning:

In this procedure, the ears are tucked or drawn into the head for people whose ears stick out prominently from their heads. (5)

Benefits of ear correction surgery

Research done in Germany showed that people felt that their quality of life improved significantly after undergoing the procedure. (2)

1.    Self-esteem

A good sense of self is very important for one to lead a satisfied and fulfilling life. Individuals who have been teased for protruding ears their entire life may experience insecurity or embarrassment even though slightly bent ears have no functional problems. Otoplasty can help you feel more at ease and confident with your body.

2.    Permanent Results

When your ear cartilage is trimmed and reshaped it ensures that the results are permanent. Growth and suturing can cause your ears to retain their original shape.

3.    Ear Proportions

Using otoplasty to shape your ears closer to your head can improve facial attractiveness, symmetry, and give a more aesthetically pleasing look to your face. Otoplasty can be used to correct several cosmetic issues such as:

  1. Constricted or Lop ear (where its tip folds down)
  2. Cauliflower ear

 Cauliflower ear is a deformity that is caused by an injury or trauma. (4)

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