Fun Ways to Play and Hangout on the Internet

Fun Ways to Play and Hangout on the Internet

The internet is a vast portal to pretty much any information you want to know. With the COVID-19 lockdown still ongoing, most people have taken to online for their gaming and social fix.

Kickstart your online party with these four interesting ways:

Enter a Virtual Casino

Online casinos are evolving to a point where it can also be called a social platform. Entire communities with the same interest will want to enjoy their favorite game and make some money in the process.

Today, there are multiplayer slots available, and they’re as fun as any other multiplayer game you’ve tried. To get started, you can read a step by step guide to playing online slots then jump into the fray with friends.

Streaming Party

Videos are still one of the best ways to be entertained online. People have been staring at the TV and computer screens for years, and now instead of the couch we have Netflix parties and similar events.

To have the video sync across devices you may need a Chrome extension installed on your computer. Also, have a chat app handy on your phone or computer so you can chat with friends as if they’re across the couch. You can do this with other streaming services such as Hulu, Disney+ or Apple TV+.

Host a Zoom Conference

Fancy a good old fashioned virtual meeting with friends and loved ones? No problem- Zoom is the app to get. Setting it up is relatively simple, and you can register for a free account and enjoy the service.

Inside, you’ll love the many things the video conferencing app can do, including changing backgrounds and turning people into fruits or vegetables.

Play Scrabble GO

Board games are timeless classics and they have translated nicely to the internet. You can play Words with Friends or Scrabble GO, among other things in browsers and lightweight apps.